Football Wow Look at this


Bench Warmer
My wife got me and my son some packs, and a couple of blaster's at Wal-Mart today, guess what we got.

Anybody got any idea of BV.

Peyton Manning Serial #2 0f 10

XL Memorabilia with Auto.

I put it in my Gallery.

I don't know if I should keep it or sell, will listen to offers.
Sell it. I would think it would be hard for someone to have enough trade bait, especially if they are trying get specifically your players, in an amount that you would feel to be a fair amount. My .02.
thanks for the comments, right now we are just thinking of keeping or selling. If we do decide to trade it, Randall has first chance and then you Ironripken.
Sweet pull! With my pull lastnight and this one, me think's it's time to go back to Wally world!:D