Hockey Who Would You Rather Collect If You HAD To Choose, Crosby or Malkin?


Bench Warmer
Let me know you answer with a reason if you want!

Mine would be, Malkin

I just like him a little more than Crosby, not saying I dont like Crosby or anything, I just like Malkin more. Because Malkin is a big guy whos not afraid to get in a fight or start pushing as long as their team is going to win, he will do anything! Also, Mlakins cards are wayy cheaper than Crosby'. For example, Malkin 08-09 UD Game Jersey books at $30, a Crosby 08-09 UD Game Jersey Books around $50!

And for me being a kid, I dont have an income, so to make money I babysit, sell cards or do chores.

So my answer is sweet and simple,

Evgeni Malkin