Who has Bonds GU for a deal?


Bench Warmer
LMK which Barry Bonds GU you have and what you are looking for in return.

I know some of you are probably hoarding them but for every deal I make for one I will add 100 points to any deal.

I have this:


lol j/k
yeah just what we need an event used beef-roid injector lol.

Oglesbyc I will check what I have with Soriano and Urlacher. I know I have a nice triple with Soriano and a couple other Rangers on it.

jdbrak hop on AIM later tonight or tomorrow if you can and we will talk about a deal for the Fleer Bonds. How is the condition and centering on it?

i have an 2001 Sp game used graded by PRO 10 barry bond for trade or sale
the card raw is close to $30.
you make me an offer in trade / paypal
THANKS TooTallToma