Which NFL team will Michael Vick play for?

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i'm starting to think he won't play either, but you never know. 1 preseason injury, and some team could jump at the chance to get him as a backup.
Michael Vick is a better QB then 1/2 the Starting QB's in the league.

Teams just don't want the media attention that surrounds him.
He won't play due to a team signing or not signing him,commish is gonna sit him down for at least this season
HiEnd said:
He won't play due to a team signing or not signing him,commish is gonna sit him down for at least this season

but if I'm not mistaken, won't he have to be signed before he's suspended? I mean, the commish isn't going to suspend him while he's inactive is he?

If he gets signed by anyone, that'd be the winning bet, if he's suspended it may have to be canceled.
It's a catch 22 for any team,as I don't see anyone taking a chance on him until they know what Goodell will hand down
Goodell shouldn't suspend Vick for any longer then a few games. I mean the guy has already spent 2 seasons out of the NFL. What else do you want from the guy.
Goodell is going to use him as an example. I cannot see the commish,with his track record,letting Vick walk out of jail,and only miss 4 games and then be back on the field
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