What wrestler would LEAST like to see wrestle again?

I havent seen wrestling in a wwhile but i woulda say john cena he gets on my nerves so much, with that wack video im a bad man or something like that haha.
flea2123 said:
I havent seen wrestling in a wwhile but i woulda say john cena he gets on my nerves so much, with that wack video im a bad man or something like that haha.
Bad Man is actually a Murs song from the album Murs 3:16 (The 9th Edition). Cena just jumped on the remix, and it's about 5 years old now.
The Miz isn't the best wrestler in the world but that dude is pretty good on the mic, and let's face it today we hear more words from wrestlers than we see action from them.
I wanna see Bad News Brown, for the thread Kane should give it away

I remember when he turned on Bret Hart in the battle royal at Wrestlemania IV and Bret Hart destroyed the big @ss trophy afterwards.
Steve_O_21 said:
The Miz isn't the best wrestler in the world but that dude is pretty good on the mic, and let's face it today we hear more words from wrestlers than we see action from them.

The Miz and Jericho are two of the better mic users in the WWE right now. The Miz has taken it to another level the past few Monday nights. It helps that they are allowing him to make fun of the WWE and the characters themselves. Anytime you can bash Cena's latest movie for being trash is good television. I'm lovin the Miz right now.
curt everhart said:
1. John Cena
2. Batista
3. Shawn Michaels
4. Mick Foley
5. Samoa Joe

Theres My Top 5 I Would Rather Not See Wrestle Again

I would just about have to disagree with everything on your list. Although Michaels is too old and Cena is too "something", those guys get the crowd popping and make things interesting. And after the Shawn-Undertaker match at Wrestlemania this year, both of those guys showed they can wrestle for another 5 years without losing a thing. Putting Batista on the list is absolutely ridiculous.
Seanboy24 said:
The Miz and Jericho are two of the better mic users in the WWE right now. The Miz has taken it to another level the past few Monday nights. It helps that they are allowing him to make fun of the WWE and the characters themselves. Anytime you can bash Cena's latest movie for being trash is good television. I'm lovin the Miz right now.

Couldn't agree more. I think he could be a pretty big star if they continue to give him face time. He's got more personality than about 98% of the "superstars" out right now. He needs a belt, maybe the Intercontinental title.