Football What is your favorite NFL team??


Bench Warmer
Just thought this would be an interesting topic.

Who is your favorite NFL team? And why are they your favorite?

My personal favorite team (and it will NEVER change LOL) is the Detroit Lions....:eek: LOL

Mainly because I was born/raised in Michigan and they are the "Local" team.

Every single season since I can remember I always got excited to watch each game and normally by the second quarter I am bored watching....(but I keep watching LOL).

I swear, some how (even though they stink) they keep us true fans interested in next season.

I enjoyed watching Barry Sanders play, but I really started paying attention in 2002 when the Lions drafted Joey Harrington. I had never even heard of him since I don't follow college sports but I wanted to collect everything I could of his. I amassed a pretty nice collection between 2002-2004 but I sold everything right before the 2004 NFL Draft in order to fund a wedding ring for my wife (smartest move I ever made...;) ).

Now, I don't have my hopes high that the Lions will EVER win a Championship but IF they ever do I sure will be happy....:D

Lets hear who your favorite team is any why...:)

Obviously, The Cleveland Browns...........born and raised there for most of my childhood and into my teens. Once a Cleveland fan always a Cleveland fan they say...........what better teams to root for than the underdog every year :p
Being a Browns fan can't be much better than being a Lions fan can it? LOL (It can't be any worse...:) )

Being down south, do you need any special package so you can see the games?

Tampa Bay Buccaneers ... I have been a fan ever since Derrick Brooks was a rookie (1995) ... i am now a die hard fan ... too bad they did soo horrible this year haha ... well youre right Mike, this should be an interesting topic haha


Pittsburgh Steelers are my Fav.

I started liking the Steelers back in the 70's. Just before they won thier first Superbowl. My first football memory is the immaculate reception. One of my all time favorite players is Rocky Bleier, he is a Nam vet and played with some of his leg muscles missing, got them shredded in a rice paddy in Nam.
new york jets. when i was about 9 (now im 16) i was at some like claw machine and i managed to grab a new york jets cup. of course at 9 i wasnt an avid football fan like i am now, but whenever i saw the scores i would be hoping for the jets. by the time i was 12, i liked the jets, bucs (casue of their name, logo, mike allstott, and their defense), and the steelers. a couple years later i was like "this is rediculous" so i dumped the bucs as a favorite team when they got rid of lynch, and pittsburgh i dumped because they were a team competing with the jets. now my one and only team are the jets, and it will prolly be that way for good (i live in miami by the way, im outnumbered)