What is the to get a card graded?


Bench Warmer
My neighbor, who is a big collector, just had some cards graded. Apparently this was worth it because these cards turned out to be worth a lot more than he thought. He can list them on his home insurance when graded, as well as sell them for more money. Plus, he says it makes him feel good. I have never had a card graded. Is there an easy way to get it done?
Well, this is the exact reason ISA is a member here, to answer questions like this! It really comes down to two questions. What you are getting graded? and What are you going to do with it? Lets start with what is getting graded:
Pre 1945 go with SGC
1945 to 1980 = PSA
1980 to present Beckett, NOT the collector club though!
Each have really established themselves as 'go to' for the different eras.
PSA is the largest in terms of total cards graded and easily the most recognized. The size and notoriety come with the highest cost however. Non PSA club member grading fees start at $17 per card. Base club memberships start at $100 but then you get discounts in per card grading. PSA does charge more for perceived value however. They will charge more for a 1952 Topps Mantel RC then a common card based on what they think the resale value will be.
Which brings us back to what you want to do with your cards. If you have a lot of high value vintage cards and want to resell, go with PSA. They will give you the most bang for your buck. If you have the same card with the same grade from PSA, Beckett, SCG and my company ISA, the PSA graded card WILL sell for for the most.
However, if you want to get your cards graded, slabbed, and authenticated to hang on to yourself or pass along to family, I highly recommend you consider ISA! We have the cheapest submission prices and turn around time in the industry! Our FLAT RATE of $5 per card is the same for a WIllie Mays or a Willie Mays Hayes card. The entry level turn around time of 10 days means you still have a couple of weeks to send in cards to us and still get them back in time for Christmas! When compared side by side to other companies grading slabs, ISA are overwhelmingly picked as the best looking and best for card presentation. You can visit our Facebook page to see samples of our cards. We also have a great promotion going on right now as well. "Give & Get!" From now until the end of the year, when you have 5 cards graded at regular prices to give to someone (OR KEEP!) you will GET an additional 2 cards graded for free! Use promo code GiveandGet13 on the bottom of your submission form! Because really, who would NOT want graded cards in their stocking this year?!
If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask!