Basketball What 2 teams will make it to the finals?

Cleveland will get their shot from the East this year, as their will be an upset in the finals (where experience prevails). Shaq attack will go in and pounce for another ring.

From the West it is always a toss up, I'm leaning towards either Dallas or Denver. I guess I'll go with Denver since Cuban's money is not doing so well in the US.

I'm going to call it as Denver over Cleveland in 7
Celtics and Suns, Celts will win 4-1.

Still a long way to go till the playoffs though, lots of things can happen.
Really these are my teams that have shot in each confrence
Washington maybe???

Lakers Magic Lakers win in 6. The Spurs shouldnt even be mentioned just as I said at the beginning of the year too old and too injury prone just like I said. They have a first round exit. Watch for the Hawks. I dont really see Cleveland doing anything in the playoffs either, once they start playin some decent teams they ll start losin, there bearly beatin the average and below average teams. Jmo
glendavis- You dont think Suns have a chance in the West?

tigs- I hope to see Cleveland there but im not sure the **** without Shaq playing and they are even worse with Shaq playing im not sure whats going to happen this season

Andy- You think Celtics are that good this year?

Bibby-What makes you say that the Cavs wont go but you say the Magic will?
I'm banking on the fact that Shaq always seems to show up in the playoffs. He's also got a "Fisher", "Kobe", "Fox", and "Horry". Same general team make up, just a little older Shaq.
Cavs are hyped up to win every year man. Come on. They never do. Shaqs gunna slow them down for one and for two they have Lebron and thats it. If Mo Williams plays good they ll win some games if he doesnt show up they dont win as many. They ll get beat in the playoffs. They wont be in the finals I guarentee! I bet against them every year and they always pull thru for me! I wont be afraid to do it again this year ;-)
Tigs- I hope your right but Shaq doesnt seem like he will do anything this year personally I think the Cavs wasted money picking him up but I hope im wrong.

orange- I dont agree with you. I dont think the Lakers will make it to the finals. They are always picked to go and choke.

Bibby- They got other players that are helping out alot this year to. (Hickson and Moon)