Wanted: Tony Romo Patches/gu Other Cowboys Too

I have a 2008 bowman sterling blue jersey and a 2008 leaf certified fabric of the game, both Tony Romo jerseys for the Emmitt Smith 08 classics dual jersey with Irvin if you still have it. Didnt see it in your bucket anymore though so am checking.
I ahve teh bowman sterling blue jersey already but i coukld use the romo FOTG, what kind if teh FOTG and numbering is it teh single jersey?
****I need any and all Tony Romo****

Looking for jerseys, patches, inserts, and rookies. Looking to clear out all my GU and Autos in bucket, so I will give more in BV for Romo. Thanks
If trading for inserts I would like to have 3 or more for a trade.
***WTTF: Tony Romo Inserts/Patches/Jerseys/Rookies***

Looking for all of the above
Looking to clear out all my autos and GU in bcuket
If Trading for Inserts I would need atleast 3+ for a trade.
Also will Give more cards for Romo Jerseys/Patches Thanks
Will trade autos and jerseys for inserts
WTTF: Romo Inserts/Patches/Rookies/Jerseys *** Giving more in BV***

I am looking to trade for any Tony Romo cards besides base I dont have. I am trading autos and gu/patches for them. Need atleast 3 inserts for a trade. Also giving more in BV/cards for jerseys and patches/rookies Thanks
t_dawgg00 said:
Romo check my bucket under cowboys. I have a couple there[/QU

I could use all 3 romo inserts teh stars of teh nfl, topps chrome refractor, and the bowman chrome refractor cmb for the thanks also if tehy are numbered let em know the numbering thanks
RomoCollector said:
I could use it it books $15 but will give more in bv for it lmk thanks

liked these
berrian auto (20)
willie parker Jersey
forrest gregg jry

whatever is fair.....I may have a chrome refractor as well....I would have to check on that tomorrow moring...
zoeman1999 said:
liked these
berrian auto (20)
willie parker Jersey
forrest gregg jry

whatever is fair.....I may have a chrome refractor as well....I would have to check on that tomorrow moring...

I could do teh Berrian Auto for it it is out of /49 lmk