Wanted: Tony Romo Patches/gu Other Cowboys Too

WTTF: Tony Romo

Looking for mainly gameused and patches.
Also I could use rookies and inserts but will only trade inserts for inserts.
I will only trade gu and autos for low numbered rookies and inserts
Please cmb if you any. Thanks
*****Looking for Tony Romo GU/Patches/Inserts/Rookies*****

I am looking for any Romo cards excluding base.
I will trade inserts for inserts, if you have rookie cards I will trade gu and autos depending what they book.
please post what you have of him and please cmb, I will send you teh insert list I have just give me the player or team your looking for.
I'm waiting on getting a Romo Patch replacement from Donruss. I'll let you know when I get it if I get it.
WTTF: Tony Romo

I am looking to trade for any Tony Romo Gu and pacthes i dont have already. Please post what you have and cmb. thanks Only looking for gu and pacthes
WTTF: *****Tony Romo Gu and Patches*****

Im looking for any Tony Romo GU and Patches I dont have already
Mainly patches but gu i could take too
Please post what you ahve and cmb for them thanks
WTTF: *****Tony Romo GU and Patches*****

I am looking to trade for any Tony Romo GU and Patches I dont have already. Please post what you have and cmb for them Thanks
Super Collecting Tony Romo

I have 43 GU/Patches/Autos already, but still need a lot more!
Im only looking for Romo GU and Patches
I will consider autos as well thanks