VERY Weird happening re the Malkin I sold


retired hippie
I sold this card -

last month on E-Bay. The guy hit the BIN & paid right away, I shipped per the auction, Registered Mail Signature Return Reciept Insurance. I've yet to get the signed return reciept back & the buyer has yet to leave a F/B. I check the P.O. REgisterion # every day & last activity is crossong the boarder on the 20th of last month.

Tonight I was searching E-Bay auctions active & complete & run accross my card being sold by someone else, he has it in hand because it's not my pic -|66:2|39:1|293:1|294:50

seller has a lot lower feedback that the person that won it. The seller is from the same city my buyer was from & was trying to sell at the same price my buyer bought it for. I haven't contacted the buyer of my card yet just thought this was too weird & wondered what you guys thought???

signed Confused
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Anytype of confirmation of delivery across the boarder is a tricky thing. I would save the auction and hope nothing comes of it
Mystery solved

Did a little digging & the seller is the same person with another E-Bay ID, why in the world he would try to sell with the lower FB is is beyond me & selling it at the same price he bought it for is strange also. I have the Not Sold auction saved in case therre's an issue latter. Still don't know why & guess I may never know why the Postal Return Reciept thing didn't work, wonder if I could try for an Insurance claim ( I wouldn't dare ).
you can still call usps and find out why you have not gotten the reciept . They can prob. email a copy to you .
If they can't produce a copy, I would file a paid for a service that wasn't provided.... Do work on the usps