trading my football for baseball

can you use any of this stuff im trying to get out of baseball lol

barry bonds
91 stadium club X2 $4 each
90 leaf $5
89 upper deck X2 $5 each
92 bowman $4
95 zenith all star salute $5
96 upper deck vj lovero showcase $5
03 ud standing O die cut $6
99 ud hologrfx ausome X2 15 each
02 topps total award winners X2 $5 each
99 upper deck view to a thrill $8
99 ud choice yardwork $8
01 upper deck midseason superstar summitt $10
02 upper deck vintage error bonds/sosa/gonzalez $15
bv 114

ken griffey jr
95 ultra home run kings $5
95 ud choice hit by pitch $5
96 emotion-XL d-fense X3 $4 each
97 ud choice clearly dominant $10
97 topps team lumber $4
99 crown royale $3
99 sp top prospects retrospectives $4
99 sp signature X2 $4 each
99 ud textbook excellence $3
00 impact point of impact $4
00 ud hologrfx starview $3
01 fleer tradition grass roots $4
97 sp griffey heroes 96 1613/2000 $8
97 select tools of the trade w/jones mirror blue $30
98 topps mystery finest bordered M20 $8
99 ud hologrfx future fame f4 $6
02 donruss fan club die cut $5
03 upper deck game face SP $8

greg maddux
95 pinnacle red hot $5
00 ud faces of the game $5
99 ud retro distant replay $4
03 upper deck game face SP $8
95 donruss mound marvels $6
97 upper deck 263 $8 each X3
98 aurora cel fusion $20
99 ud hologrfx ausome $9
bv 81

chipper jones
00 omega stellar performers $6
99 topps chrome power breakers $8
91 topps rookie $4
91 score rookie X7 $4
91 upper deck rookie X12 $4
96 upper deck hot commodities X2 $8 each
05 topps heritage chrome $6
bv 116

nolan ryan
86 donruss $4
89 upper deck $4
94 stadium club $3
95 sp X3 $4
99 ud retro $3
03 donruss home town heroes $3
05 leaf and lumber $3
05 prestiege $3
05 ud espn this day in history $8
99 topps ryan X8 all different $5 each
04 fleer authentix ticket studs $8
03 donruss call to the hall 1945/2490 $10
04 playoff honors class reunion X2 /1999 $12 each
04 diamond kings legends $8
05 donruss elite face 2 face /1500 $6
05 diamond king hof heroes framed red $15
bv 124

derek jeter
96 upper deck vj lovero showcase X2 $5 each
98 collectors choice starquest double $12.50
99 ud choice mini bobbing head $3
99 ud choice starquest red $12
99 ud choice starquest green $5
99 upper deck powerdeck powerful moment $5
00 fleer gamers fame game $6
00 upper deck peoples choice $10
00 ud gold reserve 24kt gems $4
01 ex $3
01 ud midseason superstar summitt $10
02 fleer headliners $3
02 hot prospects were number 1 $12
02 ud piece of history $20 Sp
03 sweet spot X2 $3
03 topps all stars $6
03 ultra double up with arod $6
03 ud face up $12
04 sweet spot with arod 76/199 $15
04 ud play ball with giambi 32/1999 $8
bv 171.50

98 collectors choice starquest double $10
00 ud ovation superstar spotlight $5
01 ud midseason superstar summit $6
02 ud piece of history sp $15
02 ud piece of history tape measure heroes X2 $8 each
02 ud vintage day at the park $4
03 donruss champions statistical champs $6
03 studio spirit of the game $6 28/1250
03 studio big league challenge 143/400 $10
03 ud game face $8
04 leaf limited 489/999 $6
04 topps cracker jack NNO $4
05 leaf certified materials gold team $4
05 leaf & lumber big bang 1406/2000 $5
bv 105

mark mcgwire
98 aurora home run history $10
98 upper deck eminent $6
99 topps all topps mystery finest $20
99 ud hologrfx future fame $12
99 ud hologrfx starview $6
99 ud ovation remarkable moments $5
00 skybox dominion double play with ken griffey jr plus $16
00 upper deck cooperstown calling $10
00 ud ovation superstar spotlight $8
01 topps hobby masters $8
01 topps ring masters $5
bv 105

02 absolute memorabilia team qads ichiro/saski/boone/edgar $10
02 topps archives reprints $4 X2
03 sp authentic b93 175/1993 $6
03 ud game face sp $10
05 topps gallery gallos gallery $10
bv 44

cal ripken jr.
84 donruss $12
99 spx $4
00 upper deck ecard $3
01 topps a tradition continues $10
02 ud piece of history tape measure heroes $15 X2
bv 59

mike piazza
94 sp preview wr4 $15
95 leaf 300 club $10
98 leaf r&s major league hard drives 597/2500 $10
bv 35

rickey henderson
94 score gold stars $8
98 topps chrome hallbound $8
05 leather and lumber lumber/leather 33/100 $6
bv 24

randy johnson
97 score stand and deliver $5

frank thomas
94 studio series gold stars 4264/5000 $16
96 fleer zone $8
96 leaf thomas greatest hits 4109/5000 $12
96 stadium club power packed $4
98 pinnacle team pinnacle with andres galarraga $20
99 topps lord of the diamond $4

nomar garciaparra
99 topps tek 38b $3
00 fleer focus pocus $4
00 stadium capture the action $4
00 upper deck peoples choice $6
00 ud ovation lead performers $6
00 ud ovation center stage $5
00 ud ovation center stage gold $10
02 hot prospects were number one $8
bv 46

roger clemens
86 donruss $5 X2
87 fleer all stars $10
88 fleer all stars $6 X2
94 leaf limited $5
96 leaf limited gold $18
98 leaf gold star $8
99 ud immaculate perception $15
99 ud forte $12
02 fleer tradition sp $10
02 leaf rookie reprints 1920/1985 $15
02 ud piece of history mvp club $15 X2
99 ud ionix reciprocal 382/750 $20
bv 165

tony gwynn
94 studio series stars gold 4173/5000 $20
94 sportfilics movers $8
98 sports illustrated then and now covers $6
98 topps chrome milestones $6
99 metal universe diamond soul $12
99 pacific hit machine $10
00 skybox dominion double play plus $8
03 donruss champions team colors $6
bv 76

bill ripken 89 fleer black box $5
juan gonzalez 94 leaf slideshow $4
ivan rodriguez 95 flair ho gloves $6
rafael palmeiro 95 select certified mirror gold $10
reggie taylor/deion sanders 96 bowmans best mirror image refractor $6 X2
matt williams 96 summit hitters inc $8
sammy sosa 96 ud run producers $10
albert belle/deion sanders 97 leaf leagues of the nation 563/2500 $8
fred mcgriff 97 sports illustrated extra edition 283/500 $10
moises alou 97 sports illustrated extra edition 94/500 $10
barry larkin 97 sports illustrated extra edition 324/500 $10
williw mays 98 sports illustrated world series fever autumn excellence $8
pedron martinez 98 skybox thunder quick strike $6
paul molitor 98 spx finite spectrum 170/1750 $18
larry walker 98 ud choice starquest triples $15
tim salmon 99 bowmans best refractor 248/400 $6
andruw jones 99 stadium club triumvirate luminous luminescent $7
sammy sosa 99 topps hr41 $6
andres galarraga 00 pacific copper 35/99 $10
matt williams 00 paramount holo gold 7/199 $7
todd hollandsworth 00 paramount gold 62/67 $7
jose canseco 00 stadium club 3X3 luminescent $8
hank aaron 00 topps aaron 21 $5
nomar garciaparra 00 ud ionix reciprocal $6
roy campanella 01 fleer stitiches in time $6
whitey ford 02 fleer premium legendary dynasties gold 182/300 $12
manny ramirez 02 leaf press proofs blue $10
chipper jones 02 ud honor roll silver 74/100 $10
alfonso soriano 03 donruss production line 172/381 $10
todd helton 03 donruss production line die cut 42/100 $24
ozzie smith 03 studio big leauge challenge 342/400 $15
roy oswalt 03 topps heritage chrome 1620/1954 $5
yodi berra/mel allen 04 greats of the game announcing greats $8
ryne sandberg 04 honors champions $8
ernie banks 04 spx $8
mickey mantle 04 ud play ball $5
joe dimaggio/mickey mantle 04 ud play ball 1883/1999 $10
joe dimaggio/mickey mantle/ted williams 04 ud play ball 829/1999 $10
carlos delgado 04 ud play ball home run heroics $5
joe dimaggio 04 ud play ball home run heroics $10
stan musial 05 artifacts legend 1823/1999 $6
reggie jackson 05 prestige changing stripes foil 64/100 $9
joe dimaggio 05 origins $6
ted williams 05 origins $6
bobby murcer 05 sp legendary cuts lineage 357/399 $4
david cone 05 sp legendary cuts lineage 393/399 $4
sparky lyle 05 sp legendary cuts classic careers 207/399 $4
dennis martinez 05 sp legendary cuts classic careers gold $6
bv 393