Trade Contest

very sure I got this round. On to the elite 8. So who is my next victim err umm opponent uh yeah that's it.

I'll bev sitting in the chat for a while, so this is your chance for last minute deals with me!
And here are the results from Round 2:
Tazmocan (11) vs Tigsfan(4)
Joethecardking(2) vs hockeyrules555(6)
flyersfanforlife(1) vs Fido(5)
breakerswitch(3) vs. thinkblue55(4)
Ljmaya(10) vs niniga(1)
kobe080(6) vs cardjim(10)
parep2001(4) vs Bryan_Mc(13)
First runner up is Kobe080

Looks like most traders worked hard at this round and a hearty "well done" goes out to all. Now on to the next round starting at midnight eastern May 3.
Here's the random numbers: 8-3-1-6-4-7-2-5
So the match-ups for Round 3 will be:

Kobe080 vs. Fido
tazmocan vs. cardjim
thinkblue55 vs. Bryan_Mc
hockeyrules555 vs. ljmaya

Thanks to all who traded with these contestants and good luck to all in round 3. Keep those trades a going. Round 3 ends at midnight May 16 Eastern time. Please make sure you include BV's in your trades in case of a tie. and make sure your trades are confirmed by both parties.
wait am I seeing double. Is it hockeyfan555 or hockeyrules555. Is like a thing where the US is playing Trinidad and Tobago too in soccer lol. Just kidding with you. Yeah hockeyrules buckle up your seatbelt tight because these 2 weeks you will be in for one heck of a bumpy ride against me.

OK, I fixed that. Really you have to trade against both of them. I was up way past my bedtime trying to get the results posted.
Better pick up the tempo here folks or you may fall in to that "first runner up" category.Not many trades after the first week. Let's go, let's go let's go.