Tougher Penalties To Be Enforced in the QJMHL But No Ban On Fighting!

This is the most laughable sentence of the articles

"-Penalties for abusive talk on the ice, particularly during stoppages in play, and a ban on anyone other than a team captain or coach from talking to officials."

They couldn't inforce this for any team at any level.
These are kids in junior 16-20, so I suppose they want to try, and teach them the right way to act before turning pro. Pros are allowed to talk potty-mouth for the most part to refs, officials, umpires etc, and barely ever get punished. Maybe that should be changed?
I doubt they plan on enforcing it either, stuff like this is thrown out there to appease the Mothers who dont approve of the violence in hockey. Trash talk in hockey isnt going anywhere, If it does Shawn Avery is out of a job.