Football Tom Walsh: WR R. Moss' "Skills Are Diminishing"


Bench Warmer
So maybe he isnt pulling plays...maybe just getting old; funny Jerry Rice never had that

Tom Walsh: WR R. Moss' "Skills Are Diminishing" -

According to former Raiders OC Tom Walsh, "Randy Moss is a player whose skills are diminishing, and he's in denial of those eroding skills." Walsh has his doubts as to whether or not Moss will succeed in New England. He says Moss lacks work ethic and the desire to be a complete receiver.
Tom Walsh's opinion really matters hes just mad they couldn't use Moss the way a real team should like the Pats will. Just wait and see during this year is all I have to say. Also Jerry Rice always had a GREAT QB so I dont want to hear that at all
This is my opinion..... Randy Moss will never fit in with any team because he is not a team player...he has awesome talent no question there, he is just a BIG HEAD CASE

Randy Moss said:
Tom Walsh's opinion really matters hes just mad they couldn't use Moss the way a real team should like the Pats will. Just wait and see during this year is all I have to say. Also Jerry Rice always had a GREAT QB so I dont want to hear that at all
same with to go drown some more ***** lol

snick103 said:
This is my opinion..... Randy Moss will never fit in with any team because he is not a team player...he has awesome talent no question there, he is just a BIG HEAD CASE
Randy Moss said:
Tom Walsh's opinion really matters hes just mad they couldn't use Moss the way a real team should like the Pats will. Just wait and see during this year is all I have to say. Also Jerry Rice always had a GREAT QB so I dont want to hear that at all

coming from a guy who's screen name is Randy Moss!!! LOL :)
i agree as Gnarl Barkley would say (or sing) Moss is "Crazy"

but at the same time if i were Walsh i wouldnt go out and say that Moss is getting worse just because it takes little for Moss to get angry and when he is angry it isnt good for anybody
but no one can honesly say Moss has the skills he had when he entered the league or even a few years after entering the league. We all know as you get older things slow down a bit and your "skills" start to diminish. No one can honestly sit here and say that Moss is the player he used to be.

and yes .... Jerry Rice did have that, every player does! At one point every player comes to a fork in the road where one road goes to the "I'll keep playing to my potential and give the best I can" and the other road goes to the "Maybe I should hang em up before I get Earl Campbelled out of the game"
Totally agree with you you cant even compare Randy Moss to Jerry Rice not even in the same league I mean Cmon Moss will never make the HOF IMO

JeRmZ said:
but no one can honesly say Moss has the skills he had when he entered the league or even a few years after entering the league. We all know as you get older things slow down a bit and your "skills" start to diminish. No one can honestly sit here and say that Moss is the player he used to be.

and yes .... Jerry Rice did have that, every player does! At one point every player comes to a fork in the road where one road goes to the "I'll keep playing to my potential and give the best I can" and the other road goes to the "Maybe I should hang em up before I get Earl Campbelled out of the game"
Honestly I can't say Moss won't make it to the HOF. If stats and achievements are the two major factors in getting in, sure he could make it. But if off the field (even on the field for Moss) antics play any role in getting in Moss will surely have a hard time making it.