To anyone looking to unload quanities of crap gu/autos


Bench Warmer
I was browsing the newest baseball beckett and found an ad from blowoutcards. They are paying $1.50 for an non-sage/press pass gu/autos since 2001 with a $100 bonus for sending 1000 cards. I personally have so much crap lying around that I will definitely be getting a shipment out to clean house a bit and raise for the nats fund.
I think you need the certificate from beckett, and I assume it's in the football one somewhere as well.

I know I'll be taking advantage of it, so I figured some of you might as well.

ive probably got around 200 floating around right now that are ABSOLUTELY GARBAGE, but i want to look into doing local shows...

if you can scan up the ariticle that would be sweet there willie k

ive probably got around 200 floating around right now that are ABSOLUTELY GARBAGE, but i want to look into doing local shows...

if you can scan up the ariticle that would be sweet there willie k

I'll hit you with it tomorrow, scanner is all unhooked and everything. You will probably have to print it out too, because you'll need to send the little cutout on the ad in with the shipment. I'll scan it up for everyone when I wake up (hopefully before noon :D )
I'll hit you with it tomorrow, scanner is all unhooked and everything. You will probably have to print it out too, because you'll need to send the little cutout on the ad in with the shipment. I'll scan it up for everyone when I wake up (hopefully before noon :D )

cool, just dont go teasing me with things like that...usually when i buy gu/auto lots i try to keep them under $1 each and land a few 'decent' players in there
cool, just dont go teasing me with things like that...usually when i buy gu/auto lots i try to keep them under $1 each and land a few 'decent' players in there

You can make money doing that at local shows. There are always idiots like me who will throw down a couple of bucks for any idiot who ever played for one of his teams. Frankly bargain bins are the main reason I go to shows.
You can make money doing that at local shows. There are always idiots like me who will throw down a couple of bucks for any idiot who ever played for one of his teams. Frankly bargain bins are the main reason I go to shows.

i was looking through the show calendar on the mag site and the closest one is an hour away...

and i know the cheap boxes have wonderful things, i could put together a real nice 2 for $5 auto box and a 3 for $5 jsy box that people would go nuts for...if i end up winning this thing im going back and forth on, ill definately have to do a local show in july...huge press pass auto lot but there are only like 25 easily movable cards
Scan for might need to make it bigger, not sure:
Where are they selling the cards? I bet they are eating up all the Kyle Orton, T- Stubbs jerseys!!!!! And maybe even a Weathersby auto or four!!!
Where are they selling the cards? I bet they are eating up all the Kyle Orton, T- Stubbs jerseys!!!!! And maybe even a Weathersby auto or four!!!


No clue where they are selling them. But it sure beats me having to sell them in lots and pay ebay/paypal fees!
looks like ill be digging up some garbage to send their way :cheers: thanks willameana

No prob. I started digging up my stuff today. I'm about 1/3rd finished and I'm out of supplies, but I already have 2.5 rows filled in a 4 row box :cheers::cheers:
No prob. I started digging up my stuff today. I'm about 1/3rd finished and I'm out of supplies, but I already have 2.5 rows filled in a 4 row box :cheers::cheers:

supplies :scratch: ill be sending in a white box, double wrapped