thevipershouse ---- mods... needs your input ASAP

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and now banned.... I was attempting to help him, trying to explain to him that he only need a few more feedbacks to be VERIFIED eligible etc...

he went off... got mad... blah blah blah.... he is now gone

be on the look out for NEW MEMBERS matching this dooshcanoes info
yea... no rules apply to him... he kept saying he had a perfect record on all sites etc

TraderRetreat... BANNED
SportsCardForum... BANNED

add us to the list

SportsCardFreaks... BANNED

the list goes on and on
rules are rules.. youre doing it right...he needs to realize hes trading with another real hard working person who also risks when online trading. its always a gamble, he just needs to follow the rules or he can go somewhere else. good job for sticking with your choice on dealing with it. he should have a MSF anyways if hes gonna knowingly violate rules by waiting til he receives before he sends. we dont really need those kinds of people anyways.
Just wow. What a read. I love how this guy thought his cards as well as himself were or is better then anyone else. Like their 200bv card should be sent 1st. Just WOW WOW. Just WOW.
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