The entertainment has arrived!


Bench Warmer
New to this site but not the collecting world. as my username states I collect all of the funniest most unfortunate names in sports which is a fast growing niche in the card community. you can follow my collection on IG: dicks_n_funny_athlete_names

NSFW and young innocent children warning as some of these names make some X-rated references.

my wantlist is below.. who will be the first to offer up one of these gems and knock it off the most infamous wantlist on the internet??


  • 2022updatedwantlist.jpg
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Have seen some of these over the years and have definitely had a chuckle or two when I’ve come across some of them.

Welcome to SCC!

All the best,
Have seen some of these over the years and have definitely had a chuckle or two when I’ve come across some of them.

Welcome to SCC!

All the best,
I have not met anyone yet that made it through my whole collection without laughing uncontrollably at least once. I was a 30 year super collector and got burnt out on that focused goal and the endless amount of the same card variations the companies continue to produce. I had a side PC of about 15-20 of the most common funny names in a wall hanger and just decided to start chasing these instead full time. I have had more fun in the last few years than I had in 30 years of collecting one player.