Still looking for a Magic Johnson Auto. will buy/trade or both


Bench Warmer
Title pretty much says it all.
Looking for a decent deal on a Magic Autograph. Would rather trade but I know I don't have too much for it. Have a nice Shaq/Jermaine O'neal dual jer patch /25 under my PC I could do towards one.
Not looking for a high priced one a regular mid range or low end one would do just fine.

LMK if you have anything and if you need anything from me, or a price.

You know what it is worth to you so don't ask me to make an offer, I have NO idea what it would take to get it off of you.

I have the whole TNT team (Magic, Sir Charles, and Kenny "The Jet") on their individual 1990-91 Skybox cards, with letter from Ernie Johnson if int'd...I got them in 2003

Just need the Magic at the moment thanks though.

It would depend but probably not. LMK what you were interested in though.
really like that Maddux Super Patch and this:

Jennifer Tilly (auto) 06 Razor Poker Stars Showdown Signatures #A-27

if we cant work out a trade i can sell. Oh and its 01-02 UD Legends Fiorentino Collection Auto SP to 32
I meant to tell you that these are all autographed...also have a 1989-90 Fleer Magic Johnson
Still would only be interested in the Magic auto and I would prefer that it was a certified auto thanks though,

Yeah I am not really in a hurry to get off of either of those, that Maddux Especially would be hard to replace. Since it is /32 it is probably going to be a little rich for my blood but LMK a price.

Yeah that is more than I was looking to spend, occassionally I see nice looking ones for around $100 so I will probably try to win one of those sometime
Thanks though,
ok thats cool lmk if you would want to do a deal with that Tilly, wouldnt mind doing a cash/trade deal since i know the Maddux is a lot harder to move