Sports Card Club Site Rules

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NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
Welcome to! We are an online sports card trading & sports discussion community. As a member here we ask that you read through the rules and guidelines we have in place for our registered members. Membership is FREE and we want to thank you for joining and hope you enjoy the site.

Sports Card Club Rules

1) Treat fellow members with respect. Any abusive, inappropriate, or rude interaction with members and/or or its staff may result in the suspension or removal of your site membership.

2) Posting of spam, editorials, polls, information about other trading clubs or sites, or commercial content of any kind in the forums is not allowed. Additionally, contacting the members of for the sole purpose of promoting your sports card sales, sports card auctions, or website is not permitted without prior approval from an Administrator. In kind, spamming or promotion of sportscardclub on other sites (without expressed permission) or via e-mail is strictly prohibited.

3) Any foul or hostile language used on Sports Card Club will not be tolerated. This includes any derogatory statements and profanity. In accordance, using symbols to represent letters or to cover letters/words is not permitted either as the words are easy to decipher. This includes any attempt to work around our foul word filter or using abbreviations for foul words. Words caught by the foul word filter will appear on the boards blanked out by * and a warning or suspension will be handed out for their use.

4) Do not steal from, knowingly mislead, lie to, or threaten the members, or its staff. These actions may also be grounds for immediate termination of your membership.

5) Respond to the people who are trying to trade with you. Even if you do not have any interest in making a trade with someone, do not leave your fellow members hanging. A quick PM or response on a thread saying "no thanks" is all that it takes to follow this rule.

6) Do not use the forums to report a trade problem, please contact a staff member directly for help. We will post trader advisories once we have verified an actual problem.

7) SELLING: Sales of items through the site ARE allowed, however the site is not responsible for any sales no matter what the payment ****od is. Posting of sales and or purchase requests are limited to their designated forums only. Any threads that fall under this category may be deleted without warning if they are posted in any forum other than the appropriate Buy/Sell Forums.

8) Account Profile Information: All members must fill out all required fields of their profile. Most of these fields are considered private and are not made available or viewable by the general membership, only yourself, Admins and select staff members are able to view private fields. Private & required profile fields are clearly marked in the "Edit Your Details" link in the User CP. Failure to properly fill out the required profile fields will result in a loss of trade/buy/sell privileges on the site.

9) You may have only ONE account. If you register more than one account both accounts will be permanently banned.

10) Avatars/Pictures: Please keep all images and avatars appropriate. If you wouldn't show it to your mother, don't post it on the site! (This includes ALL nudity, real or artist drawn).

11) At Sports Card Club we believe in freedom of speech and expression, with that said, we reserve the right to remove any and all threads/posts/etc... necessary to maintain order and keep the site user friendly .

12(a) Absolutely NO TROLLING!!! A troll is defined as someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

12(b) Absolutely NO THREAD BOMING/DERAILING!! Keep all responses in threads ON TOPIC. At no time is it appropriate to change the original thread topic to something else off topic. If the thread is about a nascar site box break, do no post for example, that you have football cards for trade in that thread. If you have football cards for trade, post your own thread in the proper football trade forums. Anyone who continously disregards this rule will be warned once, and have all their posts removed. A 2nd offense may lead to suspension, and in some extreme cases removal from the site permanently.

13) Contests - No member may hold any kind of contest in the forums without first contacting an Administrator or Head Coach with the details and then receiving permission. Generally only staff members may hold contests and giveaways. While we may approve member contests Sports Card Club will not be responsible for delivery of contest prizes in member held contests.

14) Box Breaks - Only Staff members are allowed to do Box Breaks on Sports Card Club.

15) Bumping Threads. DO NOT bump any thread within 12 hours. Be courtious and allow the other threads to be "at the top". A bump within 12 hours will be deleted and a warning issued.

16) PayPal: Asking for PAYPAL GIFT is not allowed on the site. We recommend that you do not enter into a transaction with another party who requests you send the payment via a Paypal Gift, anywhere, ever, for any reason whatsoever.

If at anytime a problem arises or you need assistance please feel free to contact a Staff member and they will be glad to help you!!

All members are encouraged to notify staff of any violations of the above rules via PM.

Links to our Privacy Policy and Terms Of Service (TOS) can be found at the bottom of any page on the site.

All members are encouraged to notify staff of any violations of the above rules.

Trading/Selling Guidelines:

Be alert and check your trading partner's profile for a Must Send First tag.

The accepted shipping standards here at Sports Card Club are as follows: Cards in penny sleeves, top loaders taped shut, and inside a sealed team bag. Cards are to be mailed in a bubble mailer envelope, and shipped via regular mail unless otherwise specified. This is the only accepted ****od of shipping here on this site, unless both parties agree to something different. PWE (plain white envelopes) are not acceptable, unless both parties agree to this. Do not assume it is okay to use a PWE without asking the other party, and they agree. We also strongly suggest that DC (delivery confirmation) is used on all deals, especially those that involve a great deal of monetary value. Insurance is also highly reccomended on deals over $30-$40, but that is strictly up to the you guys to decide. The staff will do everything they can to help settle trade disputes, but if you don't follow the site guidelines, and reccomendations that are in place, it's gonna be very hard to do anything for you.

a) New members with less than 10 Feedback MUST SEND FIRST on all Trades/Sales. All new members will receive a tag that says "Must Send First" in their user profile. An appeal (with good cause) may be made to a site Admin to forego this rule. See the special note following this list of rules & guidelines.

b) Always use delivery confirmation or other legitimate tracking services when mailing packages or sending funds through the mail.

c) Absolutely NO selling or trading of “Incoming” Cards.

d No selling or trading of "Grab Bags".

e) No Selling of Boxes/Hot Packs unless approved by an Administrator.

f) Group Breaks may only be hosted by Administrators or Moderators. Members must obtain permission from an Administrator before they may host a group break.

g) Try and make your trades/deals as easy and as friendly as possible. Scans of what you have for trade speak volumes and help trading move along at a fast pace. Do not draw out the trade/deal any longer than it needs to be. A good rule of thumb to follow is "If you can't make a deal with someone after 20-30 minutes of continual contact on the forums or in the chat room, then it's probably time to move on."

h) Familiarize yourself with the iTrader features and use them to your advantage.
** Special circumstances regarding Must Send First Rule for all established members**

If you are an established member with a Must Send First tag on your profile please contact a Staff Member regarding removal of the tag on your profile. The Staff will be looking at these on a member by member basis. It may be something as simple as incomplete profile information or an outdated msf tag placed by previous staff.

Informing yourself about internet safety and how to prevent yourself from becoming a victim of scammers or thieves is the key to safe internet trading. Below are some links to inform and protect yourself.

Internet Crime Complaint Center
The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C), funded in part by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)

U.S. Postal Inspectors
U.S. Postal Inspectors investigate any crime in which the U.S. Mail is used to further a scheme--whether it originated in the mail, by telephone, or on the Internet. The use of the U.S. Mail is what makes it mail fraud. If you believe you’re a victim of fraud related to the U.S. Mail, including mailed sweepstakes, lotteries, on-line auctions, work-at-home scams or chain letters, report your concern to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service as mail fraud.

Thank You for choosing to spend time with us and enjoy the hobby here at
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