‼️ SCC and SCA Merger

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Which board are the box breaks on? I can't seem to locate it.

I'm working on a page that combines all the breaks, too. I'll have it more prominent soon but, for now, here you go:

Mike, a question please. I often refer back to my threads on SCC for older set status. Will SCC soon disappear in the ether, or will it remain a read only internet ghost ship, or something in between maybe? If I need to I will save my threads somehow to my base PC. No worries in any case. Thanks Carlton
Mike, a question please. I often refer back to my threads on SCC for older set status. Will SCC soon disappear in the ether, or will it remain a read only internet ghost ship, or something in between maybe? If I need to I will save my threads somehow to my base PC. No worries in any case. Thanks Carlton
I believe it will be read only. We'll give everybody some time to close transactions and then will move it to read only. Is that accurate @Mike ?
The short version is that I went through a rough patch, in life. I've had the ideas for SCA for years and the domain name "sportscardarena" was a must considering the primary site features I had in mind, but I also wanted this to be something new and fresh. It's easier to get folks excited about joining a new community rather than something that's been around for 20 years and is already established. I also wanted to work with Mike (@grapler135s) and Andy (@AndyDrummond) again so I invited them to join me on this new adventure. They accepted.

The long version, probably boring to most, but for the sake of transparency...

The idea for SCA was born many years ago and I bought the domain name in 2020. Originally the site wasn't going to include a forum at all but the idea was for it to be something completely different. I had an idea for an "arena" that folks could throw cards into to sell, but also an idea that came from the old TCC days of also having an "arena" for sports card "battles". I've got the first implementation of the "arena" marketplace installed, but there are other changes that will be made and I'll begin working on the arena battles side soon. I knew the site would need more members for that to even be a possibility so that one is still lower down on the list of priorities.

Anyways, through the years of brainstorming this idea I went through some tough times, not just within the hobby but in life in general. I sold The Bench (dumbest business decision I've ever made). Making that decision upset me so much that, some time later, I quit the hobby and decided to close SCC down. Mike messaged me wanting to take it over so I gave the site to him. I stuck around for a while just to help him learn the ropes and help with back-end stuff, etc. About 8 months after I gave the site to Mike, I lost my dad. Two weeks later I lost my mother-in-law (I actually had a good one). That sent my mind into a whirlwind. I'm sure Mike and Andy can both testify to the fact that for the last few years I've been in a very undecided state in life. I've been back and forth more times than I care to count on helping out the new owner of The Bench, helping out here on SCC, or just leaving the hobby all together. It hasn't been good. It also didn't just happen with these sites. This was almost everything in my life. My mind has been very fuzzy. I just knew I never wanted to be a part of a sports card site again. I started up no less than a half dozen other sites, just trying to keep my focus away from sports card sites. I threatened many times to toss my entire collection in the trash, or just into the fire pit.

About a year ago, however, I started going to church. I started learning how to pray about things more and really started to evaluate what's going on in my life. Over time I've learned to just leave the past in the past and focus on the present and future. I eventually started thinking about my collection again, and even pulled my old Tony Parker PC out of the closet and set it on my computer desk. Then every time I looked at my cards, or thought about cards, I couldn't help but also think about my plans with SCA and how I'd like to bring those ideas to life at some point.

So, several months ago (maybe a little longer), I set out to do what I'd originally set out to do almost exactly five years ago now, and that was to start my own site from scratch and just see what happens. Since I'd sold The Bench and gave SCC away, I decided that a forum would be a part of it. My favorite trading site ever is still TCC, so a lot of my ideas for this site stem from my time there. I want that family-friendly, collector-focused, atmosphere back. I couldn't help but think back to my time here working with Mike and Andy. They're great guys, and they're great to work alongside. So, I sent them a message and asked them if they would want to join me on the new site. I knew I was asking them a lot, since they had so much invested in this site, and really because of the way I was so wishy-washy over the last few years, they really had no reason to trust me. Honestly, I thought they would tell me to go kick rocks, and I certainly wouldn't have blamed them. Ultimately, though, they agreed, and here we are.

I have very high hopes for SCA and really do think if we can capture the atmosphere I'm looking for, one like we had on TCC all those many years ago, this thing has a chance at working out great. If it doesn't, well maybe I'll be the one who's on a forum all alone. Only time will tell...I do hope to see you there, though!

Sorry for the long read but I want to be as transparent as possible.
I am happy that life is improving for you and that you going to church. I can also say that whoever created the perception that the mother-in-law is a mean person has been proven to be wrong! I have a very amazing mother-in-law who i have the utmost respect for!
I believe it will be read only. We'll give everybody some time to close transactions and then will move it to read only. Is that accurate @Mike ?

Yes, that's correct. Once it's decided that the transition process has lasted long enough SCC will simply be closed off to posting/editing/etc, but you will still be able to log in and read old threads/PMs.

I am happy that life is improving for you and that you going to church. I can also say that whoever created the perception that the mother-in-law is a mean person has been proven to be wrong! I have a very amazing mother-in-law who i have the utmost respect for!

Same! My mother-in-law took some time to warm up to me but once she did it was all love. I joke around with my wife and her brother all the time saying that I was my mother-in-law's favorite child. The funny thing is, it might be true! 🤣
Hi all,
After much deliberation, Andy (@AndyDrummond ) and I have decided to merge SCC with the new site Sports Card Arena (SCA) which is being started by @Mike who was the original owner of SCC and the man who resurrected one of our favorite sites, The Bench, when it was falling apart.

We have really enjoyed building the community here with all of you and thank you all for the support and for believing in us over the last few years. There is no place better than SCC and we believe that can be continued on SCA. We have a one click link so that all of your information from SCC can be imported to SCA to hopefully help make the transition quick and painless if you would like to come on over with us.

For a one click sign-up to SCA, follow this link:

@AndyDrummond and I will remain on the staff of SCA doing the things we are best at…I will still be running breaks, including the monthly break which will not skip a beat and everyone will still be able to keep their teams if they would like to, and Andy will continue to promote the community outside of the forum realm with social media to help bring new eyes to our community. We will continue to run the charity set building and many of the other things that have made SCC such a great place to be. This will also allow us to get back to our personal collections to do more trading with folks, etc., which is what brought a lot of us to the forums in the first place, as well as allowing for more personal time that our growing families demand. More to come on timelines to complete transactions, etc., so please stay tuned.

All that said, we understand if you don’t want to come along. A lot of you took a huge leap of faith with us a few years ago when we didn’t have anyone logging into the site. We are very sad to see SCC go, but think that @Mike, who has really been the one supporting us behind the scenes all along, has a vision to keep a forum like ours going in the long run, and some really cool ideas for some new features that have us pretty excited to check out!

@AndyDrummond and I are looking forward to the next phase of SCC, as a part of SCA, where we can continue to grow our community, support all of you much in the same way, and keep a great thing moving forward! Please do not hesitate to contact either of us if you have any questions or concerns about anything.

Mike and Andy
It seems that most if not all of the activity is now on SCA, there were only 2-4 posts today some form myself. Congrats!
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