So UNHAPPY, what can i do??



Just had some Terrible news..

The ONLY football magazine this side of the pond has finally closed down with no warning, after 21years and YES i have been buying that long and even longer with a previous publication.. BUT now, we got NOTHING.. and with the BIG game coming in october, we wont get any news or info apart from the web.:doh:

What can we do for our fix, it was a GREAT mag as well. what do you all do for news in print.

Any help would be just great thanks...:salut:
:scratch: europe and american football dont get along so well, NFL Europa and now your magazine calling it advice would be to subscribe to a magazine site to get the insider info maybe?...but if you are looking for a publication is there a way you could order an american mag and pay the excess shipping to get it across the pond?

or you could always take up cricket, i have no clue how that game works, but it has a huge following in some of the countries ive been to in asia
:scratch: europe and american football dont get along so well, NFL Europa and now your magazine calling it advice would be to subscribe to a magazine site to get the insider info maybe?...but if you are looking for a publication is there a way you could order an american mag and pay the excess shipping to get it across the pond?

or you could always take up cricket, i have no clue how that game works, but it has a huge following in some of the countries ive been to in asia

subscribe to Mag site?? any ideas? order an american mag?? again any ideas?

Yes willing to Pay.. anything so i can still follow NFL, (not flaming likely) though.. HELP

CRICKET, No Bloody WAY..... I'm stumped
Like they said, I would see if there is a website for mag's that is willing to ship your way. Thats the only thing I can think of or have someone on the board pick some up and mail them to ya.
Is that why I've struggled to get FirstDown recently?? My son will be more peeved though. I must say Kevin that apart from the historical importance of the mag, it has really been superceded by both Five/Sky's coverage and even for the news and rumours aspect. As for the NFL Europe coverage - well that's been shot down forever. I'm sure even the national coverage is available elsewhere now.
Only part I'll really miss is the back editorials! Oh and the stares I get when buying it in WHSmiths!

Edit - bugger - no more fantasy NFL in the UK either :(
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Is that why I've struggled to get FirstDown recently?? My son will be more peeved though. I must say Kevin that apart from the historical importance of the mag, it has really been superceded by both Five/Sky's coverage and even for the news and rumours aspect. As for the NFL Europe coverage - well that's been shot down forever. I'm sure even the national coverage is available elsewhere now.
Only part I'll really miss is the back editorials! Oh and the stares I get when buying it in WHSmiths!

Edit - bugger - no more fantasy NFL in the UK either :(

I agree that coverage is better on sites , But I did like to receive in print. It was sometimes a week out of date, but that was to be expected. It was a TRADITION to get it on a thursday, but like everything else, Traditions die and new ones emerge. Just ask the Browns/ Raiders/ Rams etc.. etc..
Just Hoping that the tradition of NFL in the UK (on sky )dont die just yet..

Get the NFL Network if you can. After that, just subscribe to an American NFL magazine to get your in print fix, who cares if it is late... heck, think USA TOday has some type of football issue you could probably order, or we can send you something each week.