Selling Out!


Bench Warmer
I've just lost the love for collecting, looking to sell about everything. Only cards I'd like to trade for would be a Jordan or Lebron Auto...othr than that everything is for sale. Please check my buckets, lmk what interests you and what your offer is...just b/c I'm done and selling out doesn't mean it's going to be cheap! lol..please be reasonable, waiting a few days before I put it all on ebay. Just giving ya'll a chance before it goes

The more cards you want the better I'll deal, no looking for $10 deals or lower....waste of my time

Carolina_Crazy06 said:
bosh bowman....chris paul auto....vince carter jsy auto....felton spx auto...lmk what u want for each and as a lot

Felton SPX Sold already, Carter will remain. For the bosh bowman and CP3 SPA I'd take $70 dlvd
Last 2 Pauls sold for $53 & 49..last Bosh sold at $30

Sorry to hear you're quitting... I think it's bound to happen to every collector at some point. Better to sell when you can still get fair SV, I guess. Good luck.

I hope you decide to pass on that Dirk lot if you no longer need them. Totally your call, though.