Seahawks - Seattle's Tatupu charged with DWI (Yahoo! Sports)

Admin said:
News: Seattle's Tatupu charged with DWI (Yahoo! Sports)

Seattle Seahawks linebacker Lofa Tatupu was arrested Saturday and cited for driving while intoxicated.

Seattle's Tatupu charged with DWI - Sports Rumors - NFL - Yahoo! Sports
Ok now see I have talked to my friends about this kind of "athletes gone wild" phenomenon. If I was rich I would stay at my big arse house with my big pool my big screen tv's maybe play a little playstation..order delivery (chinese, pizza what have you) and I would just chill with 4 of my closest friends or my gf/wife.
Why put yourself in these positions? It's beyond me. I get the " a lot of players grew up not having anything so they don't know how to handle it" arguement (unless you went to USC then you have had 4 years practice on how to spend your thousands.) But there is no excuse. Your a grown man. If these people **** someone while driving it's all on them BUT don't expect society to be harsh on them (see Leonard Little).
My rant is done. Carry on.
I think it's the pro sports "thug" menatality of the alot of the players. IMO the individual teams, no matter which sport, should be required to hold some sort of classes to educate these guys on proper behavior, social ettiqute (sp), etc... when they come into the leagues. Then when they go out and break the rules, laws, or whatever and are found guilty .....or at fault, fine them a full years salary and put them on the bench for the entire season. Harsh? Maybe....but then they may get the message
BSC said:
I think it's the pro sports "thug" menatality of the alot of the players. IMO the individual teams, no matter which sport, should be required to hold some sort of classes to educate these guys on proper behavior, social ettiqute (sp), etc... when they come into the leagues. Then when they go out and break the rules, laws, or whatever and are found guilty .....or at fault, fine them a full years salary and put them on the bench for the entire season. Harsh? Maybe....but then they may get the message
I see what your saying and I agree. (Playing Devils advocate) Professional sports is a rare line of work. For example if Lebron James got a DUI and the league sat him for a year jersey and ticket sales would fall pretty hard. So I don't think that would happen any time soon. (Even though I'd love to see it)

I mean look how greedy the NFL is trying to take the product over to Europe and Canada. Anything to make a buck. Unfortunately Sports STARS will never have to adhere to the full arm of the law. When I say "Stars" that means your Peyton Manning/Tom Brady/Kobe..Melo is another prime example.
Oh well what can ya do, right?
oriolesfan said:
he is one of the most underated palyers in the game
And it depresses him so he drinks.

Honestly, if I had all that money I'd go and live it up... how old is tatupu? 26-27? Athelete who's been pampered by everyone all his life becuase they knew he'd be in the NFL? These superstars have run ins with the law all the time, cops use to let them go and reporters wouldnt report them, but know there is a MAJOR disconnect with the public and atheletes due to the absurd money a superstar makes, creates jealousy and makes the police and reporters less likely to give them a break when they're down... even the most modest of atheletes (Marvin Harrison). My major question for the players is, if your making millions, why even risk drinking and driving? Get a cab, rent a limo, shoot, buy a call girl to take you home, it doesn't matter. The problem is these guys truly feel they are invincible.