Ronny Turiaf offered a deal with the Warriors


Bench Warmer
Looks like a possible 4 year deal with the Warriors. He is a restricted free agent and the lakers can match a deal. The current offer looks to be amount $16 million over 4 years.
It is rumored that if the Lakers don't resign Turiaf that they are going to offer a contract to Kurt Thomas of the Spurs. Currently the Spurs could offer him alot more, however if the Turiaf deal falls through the Lakers could make a sweetened offer to him.
Turaif = RIDICULOUSLY over-rated this is like Tyrone Lue getting a HUGE contract
after the akers won 3 in a row... INSANE and a waste of money
Turiaf is one of those heart players. I also don't think he is worth $16 million, however he is a great asset to have on their team. I would almost perfer that he leave and they use their mid-level exception instead on Kurt Thomas. Then they would have Fisher, Bryant, Odom, Gasol, Bynum, Thomas on their team. All players that have either this season or in the past proved themselves to be great crunch time players. Thomas would also bring some toughness to the big men. If they picked up Thomas and didn't lose anyone except Turiaf that would be a great thing for the Lakers.