

Bench Warmer
Havn't we had trouble out of this member before? He ignored troy and Mike's warning of trading during DOND tonite and it was all i could do to get him to quit in a pm. Then he said go ahead and throw me out if you want. I don't think that would have served much purpose and he left anyway. For some reason i think he was trouble earlier or was banned or something. Just a heads up for those that need to know. Any more caca out of him and i'll toast him. He's 19 and should act a little better i think.
cardjim said:
Havn't we had trouble out of this member before? He ignored troy and Mike's warning of trading during DOND tonite and it was all i could do to get him to quit in a pm. Then he said go ahead and throw me out if you want. I don't think that would have served much purpose and he left anyway. For some reason i think he was trouble earlier or was banned or something. Just a heads up for those that need to know. Any more caca out of him and i'll toast him. He's 19 and should act a little better i think.

Yep he was warned Jimbo, so if he acts up again like that warn him once, and if he continues, then give him a few days off. He's 19, so he should no better. The problem is, will that matter, like most 19 year olds? :rolleyes:
I am having some problems with him.
He bought a card off me from the points store for 5000pts.

I saw that he didn't have ENOUGH points but I gave him the benefit of doubt.

PMed him something like this

The card is ready to go out.
LMK when you are ready to give the points and I will set up the trade manager.

He PMed back saying

He still didn't have the points but I posted the deal anyway...
He still hasn't confirmed the deal for a few days.
Just PMed him this morning saying... PLMK either way if you still want the GU.

So yeah.... looks like I will have to relist the card soon.
This don't look good. He is signed up for the trade contest and I smell trouble a comin'. Is he a member on any other sites? This is once we may need to avoid trouble before it starts.
Saw the member in chat... tried to chat with him and he bolted lol

So I am going to relist the card.

Have wasted enough time giving him the benefit of doubt already.