Football Rank your top 10 NFL prospects


Bench Warmer
This is not how you think they will be drafted, but who do you think are the top 10 prospects in all college football?
Here are mine:

1. Calvin Johnson WR, GT (Jr)
2. Brady Quinn QB, ND
3. Dwayne Jarrett, WR, USC (Jr)
4. Paul Pozluzsny, LB, PSU
5. Mike Hart, RB, UM
6. Joe Thomas, OT, Wisconsin
7. Antoine Cason, CB, Arizona (Jr)
8. Tedd Ginn Jr, WR, OSU (Jr)
9. Laron Landry, S, LSU
10. Marshawn Lynch, RB, WVU

^That was tough to bring it down to just 10!
1. Calvin Johnson ( WR )
2. JaMarcus Russell ( QB )
3. Adrian Peterson ( RB )
4. Gaines Adams ( DE )
5. Joe Thomas ( OT )
6. Marshawn Lynch ( RB )
7. Leon Hall ( DB )
8. Brady Quinn ( QB )
9. Dwayne Jarret ( WR )
10. Paul Pozluzsny ( LB )

Some are saying Quinn has slipped after the bowl game. If that happens I think Brian Brohm might slip in the top 10...
Sporty- How do you miss Adrian Peterson and JaMarcus Russell?

I hope the Lions get JaMarcus :) :)

1. Calvin Johnson
2. Adrian Peterson
3. JaMarcus Russell
4. Joe Thomas
5. Gaines Adams
6. Marshawn Lynch
7. Brian Brohm
8. Leon Hall
9. Brady Quinn
10. Ted Ginn Jr
Jamarcus Russell
Calvin Johnson
Adrian Peterson
Ted Ginn Jr
Joe Thomas
Marshawn Lynch
Paul Pozluzsny
Brady Quinn
Brian Brohm
Gaines Adams
yotto123192 said:
Sporty- How do you miss Adrian Peterson and JaMarcus Russell?

I hope the Lions get JaMarcus :) :)

1. Calvin Johnson
2. Adrian Peterson
3. JaMarcus Russell
4. Joe Thomas
5. Gaines Adams
6. Marshawn Lynch
7. Brian Brohm
8. Leon Hall
9. Brady Quinn
10. Ted Ginn Jr
I am worried about his injuries. He seems to get injured to much.

CJ-this isnt how you think they will get drafted, just how you think they stack up. I dont think Brohm will, doesnt do the best under pressure, he should stay and they could have a shot for the National Championship if Michael Bush is able to come back. Plus, I think that Jamarcus Russell would be better staying for his Senior season, it would help him. But rumors have it that he has already signed an agent.

I think Mike Hart is THE most underrated running back. He never fumbles!
No thats not how I think they will be drafted ( but ya never know ) the combine always plays a big part in this.

As far as Hart he already stated he's going back and for Quinn the samething you said about Brohm is what some are saying about Quinn ( Can't get it done in the big game! ).
_CJ_ said:
No thats not how I think they will be drafted ( but ya never know ) the combine always plays a big part in this.

As far as Hart he already stated he's going back and for Quinn the samething you said about Brohm is what some are saying about Quinn ( Can't get it done in the big game! ).
Oh, I didn't hear that about Hart.

LA-Because if you watch him thru course of the season you will see he is very inconsistent. Yeah, when he is on, nobody can stop him. Just doesnt have the consistency.
I watched a lot of their games and yes he did make some mistakes but the only quarterback who seemed to outplay him all year was troy smith. Quinn is jst as inconsistent and your not mentioning that.
lafastbreak said:
I watched a lot of their games and yes he did make some mistakes but the only quarterback who seemed to outplay him all year was troy smith. Quinn is jst as inconsistent and your not mentioning that.
I dont think Troy Smith was the top QB. And I dont think he will get drafted high b/c he doesnt have the "NFL build" b/c he is shorter. I think Quinn is the top "Pro-Style" quarterback.
I no troy smith wont be that great but who had the better year between the three? Smith, duh that one is obvious. He did the best this year but definetly wont do the best in pro's. What do you think is the pro qaurterback build. Look at the QB's in the NFL Mcnabb, Vick Manning's Romo. All have a cannon like Russell. Other then Peyton and Eli all can run, like Russell. I think your being biased since you have already stated that you like Quinn in the other thread but your entitled to your own opinion on this.
adrian peterson is the BEST player in this draft..mark my words..this is my top ten

1. Adrian peterson
2. calvin johnson
3. jamarcus russell
4. brady quinn
5. dwyane jarret
6. teddy ginn jr
7. troy smith
8. mike hart
9. paul poslunzky
10. (if he comes out but he probably wont') limas sweed
I'm not a big fan of Quinn, I just think that he is the best pro style qb and could make an immediate impact for a team like the Raiders, but since thier line is horrible, they might wanna go with the bigger and stockyier JaMarcus Russell. Though, Quinn has proven to be really tough in the pocket.
I'd have to argue with you and say Calvin Johnson or Jamarcus Russell. I've been watching Russell for awhile and looks like hes going to be a top notch quarterback.