Press Pass to STOP Early Release Program


NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
What is probably the BIGGEST news of the year from Press Pass... they will suspend their Early Release Program with the issue of the 2013 NASCAR Showcase.

What does that mean? If the "official release date" is a certain date (let's say 10/1/13) for a product, then the cards will NOT ship until that date (or in most cases, the day before so that distributors get their boxes ready for shipment on that date).

Hopefully this will keep the eBay hounds from busting and selling on eBay prior to the release date.

Good Move Press Pass!.
I dont think it will stop any of it. As long as there is a demand that allows for double to triple SV on cards pre release date vs post it wont ever stop. Maybe slow it a bit, but not stop.

I do commend Press Pass for doing this though, Ive always said the other companies could learn a TON from PP and all they do for us. :)