Football Pass inteference....


Bench Warmer
Not sure if anyone was watching the Colts Jaguars game, but the Jaguars were driving with barely any time trying to kick the FG to win the game, the refs than call a pass interference which sets them up with a 1st Down and puts them in position to win. Call me a sore loser, bias fan w.e but that was one of the WORST calls I have EVER seen. I mean, I guess interference now is when a WR runs into the DB and falls down.

I'll have a drink of the kool-aid you're serving. Week 3 and I have seen some horrendous calls. Is it just me,or does it seem that the refs try to be more visible in games than the players? Already tired of BS refs.....going to be a
L-O-N-G season if this trend continues.
CowboysFreak said:
I'll have a drink of the kool-aid you're serving. Week 3 and I have seen some horrendous calls. Is it just me,or does it seem that the refs try to be more visible in games than the players? Already tired of BS refs.....going to be a
L-O-N-G season if this trend continues.

Yeah not only against us, but around the league it has been awful. What really ticks me off, is he was letting them play for like all of the game and then CALLS THAT crap and puts them in Field Goal position to win the game. What do ya know.