Pacific Cramers Choice Jumbo Acrylic holder



Long ago before things were "lost" I had talked to someone (jaderock, bounty, someone) about those huge acrylic pyramid holders for Pacific Cramers Choice Jumbo cards.

What I want to know is who has one? If anybody has one can you send me a picture and measurements of one of the 3 screws for it? I removed mine awhile back and can't find them. In the event I never do I need something to take to the store and compare with.
Long ago before things were "lost" I had talked to someone (jaderock, bounty, someone) about those huge acrylic pyramid holders for Pacific Cramers Choice Jumbo cards.

What I want to know is who has one? If anybody has one can you send me a picture and measurements of one of the 3 screws for it? I removed mine awhile back and can't find them. In the event I never do I need something to take to the store and compare with.

Hello Jerry,

Sorry for the slow reply.

The holder meassures 6 3/8" x 8 1/8" The top is 1" thick while the bottom is 2" thick. I got this holder with the #1/1 Purple Cramer from 1998.

Here's a pic of it. Kind of tough to picture because of the light.


BTW, has your ELway collecting gotten back up to speed OR are the kids taking up too much of your time! :)
Thanks for the response Jaderock!

Any chance you can send a pic and measurements of the screws themselves?

No, the Elway collection has slowed way down. I probably picked up 10 cards since May. Yes kids (one 3.5 years and one 10 months) take up a lot of time and money. Not that they cost a lot but in our situation here I have been elected to do the Mr. Mom thing for awhile so I lost my play money. Once I get back to work I'll start up again.