Football Official Dallas Cowboys Talk

Wow what a catch. Shades of the helmet catch in Super Bowl 42
SIGH Dang it didn't want to imbed the dang video just wanna link it.
I liked seeing the Cowboys win a game like that. Come back from 11 down, on the road. It shows they have a little more drive and determination than they've shown in recent past years. They're looking more and more like the 90s Cowboys all the time. Now they just need to start taking care of things at home.
Good win for the boys for sure. It's still going to be really tough for them to win the division. They need a Seattle win this week against Philly, then they must win out. The Eagles have the Skins and Giants in their final 2 games and I don't see them losing to either of those teams. The Eagles and Colts will both be tough, but both are certainly beatable teams.
Huge win, indeed! I love that they were able to stay in the game and win after getting down in the 3rd. Offense looked incredible and the defense was good too. Now it's in their hands. It's our time in this division!
Thank you, Redskins! Now Dallas just has to win 1 of their final 2 games and the division is ours! It'd be nice to take them both, but I'm happy with just winning the division and going on to the playoffs. Let's go Cowboys!