NL East Race

I hate all you Braves fans. I got to sit in the Press Box level at the game yesterday. It was really cool, except for when Larry went deep and made me so angry. Mets made some bonehead plays that lost the game for them. Man do I hate Chipper Jones.
I hate all you Braves fans. I got to sit in the Press Box level at the game yesterday. It was really cool, except for when Larry went deep and made me so angry. Mets made some bonehead plays that lost the game for them. Man do I hate Chipper Jones.

man there is some mad hate in ny for ole chipper aint it...never really paid much attention to it till yesterday when the announcer pointed out all the fans booing him everytime he came up to bat.
man there is some mad hate in ny for ole chipper aint it...never really paid much attention to it till yesterday when the announcer pointed out all the fans booing him everytime he came up to bat.
Mets fans are so stupid. They know Chipper feeds off of it when hey do that. I don't know why they don't stop doing it to see how it effects him. I think all of the Mets fans secretly have a man crash on Chipper. :dance: I'll always love the fact that he named his son Shea. :lollol:
Mets fans are so stupid. They know Chipper feeds off of it when hey do that. I don't know why they don't stop doing it to see how it effects him. I think all of the Mets fans secretly have a man crash on Chipper. :dance: I'll always love the fact that he named his son Shea. :lollol:

He is probably the most prolific visiting player in the history of the franchise. Wouldn't you boo him if he was that great against your team? (would be impossible sinc ehe is on your team but...)

There has been a deep hatred for him here for years. the guy just steps up in our stadium and that makes us all angry at him.
He is probably the most prolific visiting player in the history of the franchise. Wouldn't you boo him if he was that great against your team? (would be impossible sinc ehe is on your team but...)

There has been a deep hatred for him here for years. the guy just steps up in our stadium and that makes us all angry at him.
I totally understand that. If I were I Mets fan, I would probably boo too. But he has said time and time again he feeds off the Mets fans booing him. Maybe try not booing him to see what happens is all I'm saying. :dance:
I totally understand that. If I were I Mets fan, I would probably boo too. But he has said time and time again he feeds off the Mets fans booing him. Maybe try not booing him to see what happens is all I'm saying. :dance:

Don't think it will work. At this point he has so much confidence here. What really needs to happen is someone needs to hit him. Maybe a couple times. enough of this crap already, throw at him!!!
Don't think it will work. At this point he has so much confidence here. What really needs to happen is someone needs to hit him. Maybe a couple times. enough of this crap already, throw at him!!!

that aint very nice at all...would hate for a mets pitcher to get a 5 game suspension like rocket :D and the fact that his son is named shea...way too funny, i didnt know that tidbit of info..
that aint very nice at all...would hate for a mets pitcher to get a 5 game suspension like rocket :D and the fact that his son is named shea...way too funny, i didnt know that tidbit of info..

Please see the sarcasm in this and know I'm joking... That being said, did you just become a Braves fan last week or something? How do you not know that he named his son Shea? How do you not know that Mets fans hate him?
:D ;)

Just a little trash talking for ya!
Please see the sarcasm in this and know I'm joking... That being said, did you just become a Braves fan last week or something? How do you not know that he named his son Shea? How do you not know that Mets fans hate him?
:D ;)

Just a little trash talking for ya!

mentally, im a little, dale murphy was my idol!! so i have been a braves fan for a long time....but never really got involved with their personal life....but i did name my son Homer :D he was the greatest mascot!!