Nike/Vick news



Since you all love to see this happening to him. :(

Last night at work we got a call from corporate and they made us pull any Vick items that we had in the store off the floor, and they have to be boxed up and sent back by Tuesday.

So to support Vick me and three other employees are wearing our Vick shoes everyday!
Instead of boxing them up and sending them back just take them home.

I tried to get all the Vick Posters, Billboards and stuff from the store. They told me I couldn't have it as it had to be destroyed.

Just pull out my Vick baller bands, head band, and t-shirt, going to wear them into work today, along with my Zoom Vick III
He deserves every, single bit of what he is getting.

I'd like to agree but we should wait until he is proven guilty.

I hate that p.o.s, but in this country we are innocent until proven guilty.

Once he is proven guilty, and I think he will be, then I will jump for joy and hope his worthless *** ends up in jail for a long long time.
I'd like to agree but we should wait until he is proven guilty.

I hate that p.o.s, but in this country we are guilty until proven innocent.

Once he is proven guilty, and I think he will be, then I will jump for joy and hope his worthless *** ends up in jail for a long long time.

Fixed that for you Tim.
lol. Vick will get a fair criminal trial, hard not to with a legal team that he has put together. IN the court of public perception, these sponsors have no choice. These are heinous charges that, guilty or not of, have a strong link to Vick. It would be one thing if it wasn't his kennel, his property, his dogs and he only bet on fights, but just to many questions raised for people to ride the boat.
i applaud you wearing your vick stuff randy and hope you dont' get suspended from work for it, but i guess you could just say you grabbed the first pair of shoes by the door on your way out.

the charges against him alone, i'm afraid, are going to ruin his career completely. with his legal team he's put together, he had better beat the charges and get back to work and get all his endorsements back cause he's gonna need it to pay those guys

but i can't talk a lot cause all my Vick autos went to Brett to sell at Nats, if they don't sell you can have them Randy.
i applaud you wearing your vick stuff randy and hope you dont' get suspended from work for it, but i guess you could just say you grabbed the first pair of shoes by the door on your way out.

the charges against him alone, i'm afraid, are going to ruin his career completely. with his legal team he's put together, he had better beat the charges and get back to work and get all his endorsements back cause he's gonna need it to pay those guys

but i can't talk a lot cause all my Vick autos went to Brett to sell at Nats, if they don't sell you can have them Randy.

Well that would be awesome to get some Vick autos if they don't sell, since all I have left is my 16x20 picture auto'd.

I have thought about buying some of his cards in the past few weeks but they are still going for a fair amount, and all of my money is going for the ring Tuesday, and the disney vacation.