New Member


Bench Warmer
Hey all, I'm Wes, coming over from the BMB. I collect mainly baseball and am currently looking forward to three cases of 08 Bowman Chrome in a couple of weeks.

I also write a blog, if any of you are curious I'd love for you to check it out and give me some feedback: My Blog

I appreciate it and look forward to having a good community experience here.
Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy us. Also would ask that you invite all your trading buddies here. You should see alot of familiar faces.
Yea, welcome dude! What in the heck happened to Beckett? I can't find anything over there and they have a search bar for other members that you may want to talk to? I can't remember all of their names, besides they took them all away!
Hiya Wes! Welcome to the site. :) Glad to have you on board!! If you have any questions, or need help with anything please don't hesitate to give me, or one of the other staff members a shout. ;)
