My prediction for NBA Rookie of the Year, Someone you didn't think of


Bench Warmer
I was thinking this morning about Rookie of the Year and who will win it. I was like Beasley sure has a shot at it, however is their someone better. I cam up with Mayo as a 2nd choice. Again I thought is their someone better. Then it came to me. Greg Oden. Wait he was in the NBA last year. Well that doesn't matter as he didn't play a game. That means that officially he will be a rookie this year. With a year to heal, a solid team, and his size he is sure to be a contender. You are probably thinking, this guy will not be voted Rookie of the year. The voters just have never done it and will never do it again. However that isn't true. David Robinson was drafted in 1987, however because of military commitments he was unable to play until 1989. That year he won the Rookie of the Year award. So don't be surprised if it happens again this year.
That is very true Joe, I think Oden has a great shot now. He has looked very good in his workouts posted on the internet and he is playing around a great crop of young talent, the sky is the limit for Oden.
Yea, he is exploding in the summer league supposedly. I am afraid that he will do something stupid though. I guesss the kid is a questionable character in some aspects. Hopefully that is in his past though. As he will be a good player.
The ONLY reason I dont think Oden will win it is that he has a LOT of other talent on his team....OJ MAYO could pull it off because WHO else is gonna log the points etc on that team? LOL they are AWFUL! I change my pick to OJ MAYO in an upset over Beasley, Oden and Rose
ac-n-mike said:
I picked ODEN all the way for Rookie of the Year


