My Nats Hats


Old School Vintage
5.00 star(s)
OK so they aren't cards but they are Homie team memorabilia/ fan ware. I made a video of my Senators/Nationals Hats Collection over at Ustream you can view it Here:

If you have problems viewing the video let me Know and I'll post a text description of the hats I showed.
Nice stuff! I cant wear caps, I look silly lol

And Kirk, this was the first time Ive ever seen you.. and my image of you is no longer Shatner-ish :LOL:
sweet collection! i love how passionate you are about the hobby, man! great vid.
Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the vid. I don't do them often enough to be an expert at them.

Nice stuff! I cant wear caps, I look silly lol

And Kirk, this was the first time Ive ever seen you.. and my image of you is no longer Shatner-ish :LOL:
Sorry to Shat-ner the illusion...:p As an after thought I should have shaved my scraggly beardness. I don't like being this scraggly but I'm lazy when it comes to shaving.
Is this image better?

Very nice collection

Thanks for the video, Kirk! Very unique idea, collecting hats like that, too. In fact, I may just steal that idea from you and start a collection of Cowboy hats, pun intended. :D
Thanks for the video, Kirk! Very unique idea, collecting hats like that, too. In fact, I may just steal that idea from you and start a collection of Cowboy hats, pun intended. :D

Bwahahahaha :LOL: Im gonna hold you to that, next break I expect to see the first adds to that collection ;)
For my birthday my local Bro and his wife got me another Nats hat. This one is one of those new "Avalanche" style hats/caps that they are making for all the teams. It is OK but I prefer solid colors not these mixed things, and I don't care too much for them putting the team's full name on the brim, or anywhere on the hat for that matter, but what are you going to do it's a popular style.
I like it as a variation, you know they will always find a way to have a hundred different designs to keep the money flowing in.
I actually like that hat. I mean, I'm not a fan of the red, but if it were Cowboys blue and white I'd wear it. :D