Football MWS's Nov 2013 Mixed Hobby Break

Not going to complain after getting a couple of shots in a row at '11 Five Star and there's still a shot at some nice stuff in '12 Five Star but going forward it would be nice to see some '11 in the line-up.
11 anything?
Not going to complain after getting a couple of shots in a row at '11 Five Star and there's still a shot at some nice stuff in '12 Five Star but going forward it would be nice to see some '11 in the line-up.
11 anything?

Pretty much whatever the budget would allow. I agree with Cool Hand that the '12 teams should have a shot at the high end and when the time comes the '13 class should get their chances as well. I just feel that with some '11 in the mix it keeps teams like the Panthers, Patriots, Bengals, 49ers, Titans etc. more desirable, whether it be through owned teams or the draft. It has looked to this point that you have evened things out nicely between the '11, '12 and '13 products but with the '11 Five Star being switched out I would have thought some of the '12 boxes would have been changed to '11's to keep the budget more evenly distributed.
I will be happy to get a 2012 Five Star box and change one of the others to 2011 this go around if that's okay with you guys? We will still have 7 boxes, I could still use a team or a couple draft spots picked up to help with cost though.
If I haven't said it before. I want you guys to be happy with these breaks so please don't hesitate to speak up about things. I hope we can get some more people to sign up soon. I'm also trying to get some more feedback on Blowouts site so we can hold the breaks there as well as here to drum up more interest and possibly bring back the High End break.
If no one minds I'm going to drop the Panthers and Pick up the Pats hopping for some Gronk.
I hope MJDA takes no offense but I think switching over to Blowout is the key to saving this break and I'd love to see the High End break come back. It's tougher on Mike as the rules are a bit more strict but I've seen them fill in no time so I feel it would help us grow. The only reason I didn't move in the past was the requirement for the breaker to accept paypal and I didn't want to mess with the tax implications. I hope we consider it and if I can help smooth the way by getting the thread approved just let me know!
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I hope MJDA takes no offense but I think switching over to Blowout is the key to saving this break and I'd love to see the High End break come back. It's tougher on Mike as the rules are a bit more strict but I've seen them fill in no time so I feel it would help us grow. The only reason I didn't move in the past was the requirement for the breaker to accept paypal and I didn't want to mess with the tax implications. I hope we consider it and if I can help smooth the way by getting the thread approved just let me know!

Chris do you know who I can talk to over there on the site? The only issue I have is lack of Feedback. As far as this site goes I will not leave here. I will run the break on both but will have to ask everyone that does not have a blowout ID to please get one just for their rules.
If I haven't said it before. I want you guys to be happy with these breaks so please don't hesitate to speak up about things. I hope we can get some more people to sign up soon. I'm also trying to get some more feedback on Blowouts site so we can hold the breaks there as well as here to drum up more interest and possibly bring back the High End break.

It's not fair to tease you know. Santa's watching. :writing:
I hope MJDA takes no offense but I think switching over to Blowout is the key to saving this break and I'd love to see the High End break come back.

I'm not offended at all. In fact, I've been pretty up front about the fact that I don't expect TCZ to be the "end all" of card forums. If moving these breaks to blowout is better for the break and/or the hobby, I'd recommend doing exactly that. I definitely don't want to see the break gone from here, but if that's what is best for you guys and your collections then that's what should be done.

As far as this site goes I will not leave here.

Thanks for the support, Mike!
I'm not offended at all. In fact, I've been pretty up front about the fact that I don't expect TCZ to be the "end all" of card forums. If moving these breaks to blowout is better for the break and/or the hobby, I'd recommend doing exactly that. I definitely don't want to see the break gone from here, but if that's what is best for you guys and your collections then that's what should be done.

Thanks for the support, Mike!

NP Mike, its just as easy to post on 2 forums the breaks as it is 1 and who knows it could very well bring members over here from there.
Thanks, I have done double posting before and it's not too bad. You're right in that all participants have to be members of the site but that should be easy. I don't have a ton of "street cred" over there as I've only done minimal breaks but have always dealt with Danny over there and he has been understanding with various "stretches" to their rules. If they deny you based on the lack of break experience on their site I would be happy to post the first thread but have you collect the funds and run the break. Let me know how I can help as I'd love to see the group grow and bring back the high end as well!
I will let you know I got a reply from one of the guys and they are looking into my various feedback on other sites as well as my purchase history from Blowout.