Melo Sig-

Pujols & Jeremy-In no way am I accusing of Pujols stealing this. Just thought it was odd to see such a huge improvment from the first he posted on rbs, to this.

Great Sig Pujols! That is by far your best! Just add a border.
yeah I know that was a while remember when I tried to deal you that mp3 that was then.

oh yeh do you still have that wade gu ft?
Jeremy-This is the one he posted about an hour or so beforet he Melo. As you can see from this one, where my questioning is.


Again, that Melo is a huge improvement from the leak. Very nice Melo!
yeh definetley a lot of improvement. that is sometimes hard to believe and with people stealing banners I can see why you questioned it.Also my posts might have come off a little attacking but I didn't mean to say that you were accusing him of stealing it.I just know this guy pretty good and well enough to know he wouldn't steal it and that he made it.
sportydude said:
well if you did make it nice job. but can i see the PSD to see how you did some of those effects? It is sick

how do i get a psd.if u tell me how i could certainly try and help u out there.