Looking to Sell or Trade Everything in my Bucket


Bench Warmer
Like the title says everything is available for trade or sale excluding my PC....Looking for the cards listed in my Sig...feel free to make offers on anything you like...no reasonable offer will be refused. I trade BV for BV only and sell for well below BV....LMK if you like anything....more cards are going to be getting added over the weekend....I have 100's to scan it yet. So if you don't see anything let me know what your looking for and I'll see if I have any in what I haven't scanned in yet. The Ultimate Collection Baseball in my bucket is not yet priced so I'm not trading it right now. The Jeter auto is going to be in my PC. Thanks for looking.
check bucket for the noel exquisite, noel spx, noel sweet spot auto, daniel gibson sweet spot auto, redick finest auto, morrison finest auto,
Carolina_Crazy06 said:
check bucket for the noel exquisite, noel spx, noel sweet spot auto, daniel gibson sweet spot auto, redick finest auto, morrison finest auto,

Didn't see anything that I can use...There all for sale as well but after looking up a few of the BV's of your list the total BV would be around $180...LMK if your interested in working something out
geandrews said:
Like the Jordan triple, Dirk triple, and Bargnani sweet auto

I liked these of yours

Aldridge AutoFocus
Drexler Ultimate Auto

Whats the BV on the Drexler?

BV for the cards you liked is $202. LMK if we can work something out.