Looking to make some trades


Bench Warmer
Hey guys kinda new to trading but please check my bucket for anything that interests you. I have a bunch more yet to scan.

I only collect autos/patches/gu and of no one really in particular . Will check buckets
Like the Cedric Griffin Spectrum auto,Alan Page jersey and Carl Eller jersey. Please CMB and let me know. Thanks!
Can use these,please cmb for them:

Vince Young Ultra Dual Gu
Paul Williams Sterling Auto Gu
Vince Young Prestige Gu
Paul Williams Patch
Vikesrule said:
Like the Cedric Griffin Spectrum auto,Alan Page jersey and Carl Eller jersey. Please CMB and let me know. Thanks!

only card i really saw was the steve young auto, nice pc

tdotsportscards said:
Can use these,please cmb for them:

Vince Young Ultra Dual Gu
Paul Williams Sterling Auto Gu
Vince Young Prestige Gu
Paul Williams Patch

I liked the vincent jackson auto and gates gu


Trufance said:
sweeet collection man! i liked the rivers, irvin, and warner/boldin dual autos


Can you send me the year and bv of yours and I will do the same when I get home tonight. Thanks.