Looking To Buy Again, Round 2!!!!!

DMCNABB1999 said:
hey, didn't see anything i could use right now. plmk if you get any phillies in b/c i have a howie kendrick sp by the letter "letter I" #ered to 75, thanks.

Cool, very interested in the Kendrick! I'll let you know if I get any Phils in. What value are you looking for it?
hey, right now i can't buy right now due to a recent problem i'm having with a member not receiving a payment, but my dc says it was delivered......once i get this resolved i'll take a look through your stuff, thanks.
DukeandKSUFanatic said:
ok sounds good hope you get it worked out

hey, i have already cleared up the problem and am ready to go again :D, what do you need on these:

d-train finest auto
mike alstott sp auto

plmk, thanks.