Looking for Knowshon Moreno, Tom Brady And Adrian Peterson RC's, AUTOS and Patches

contenders I understand and that your best price on the lot? anything trade wise for the trade id give 350 cv in trade if ya see anything..
atrain2004 said:
contenders I understand and that your best price on the lot? anything trade wise for the trade id give 350 cv in trade if ya see anything..

Values on these?

no sales of that ap in the last 90 days a 1 color /10 went for over 900 now I dont think this would get it my guess is 450-500 the last slaton spa gold was 350
atrain2004 said:
no sales of that ap in the last 90 days a 1 color /10 went for over 900 now I dont think this would get it my guess is 450-500 the last slaton spa gold was 350

Oh wow, those were higher than I though, any chance on just the lot?
naw man not sure why I really ever bother your prices are high and you want to give less then the rate.. the lots price is too high thanks