lil brettinator


Bench Warmer
lil brettinator was given a 5 day suspension for his behavior in chat last Sunday June 15th.

FW: Behavior

Originally Posted by Leafsfan1967
Your immature behavior in the chat room has bought you a 5 day vacation. Take the time to think about it, and when you come back you can let BSC know if you intend on being a decent member here. Next time it won't be a suspension.


Originally Posted by lil brettinator
sry, my behavior got the best of me in the chat room. but i was mad because ledzeppelin kept backing out of our ttrade and so i ignore him, and when i ignored him, he ignored me and put a little message in each ignore and unignore. so sry, it wont happen again- brett netzer

Originally Posted by Leafsfan1967
Thanks very much for the apology. I will pass it along to BSC, seeing he was the one who witnessed your behavior, and had asked me to hand out the suspension to you. We all get mad at times on the internet. Best suggestion I can give is to step back for a few minutes, take a deep breath, and then move on to something else. Reacting on your mad feelings is only gonna get you into trouble even if it wasn't your fault to begin with. We don't play any favorites here. When you break the rules, we hand out punishment, no matter who's at fault. If you have any issues at all with another member that can't be settled maturely, you can always approach one of the staff members to look into it. We are always around, and only a PM away. Now we can forget about this, and put it all behind us, and move forward positively, and use the site for what it was meant for. To have fun. Thanks again for the message!!
