Kobe Auto Ft. Pack Pulled!!

duncanonyou21 said:
moving this post it is out of hand

hey mate, since you've moved this thread, can you pls pm lebrontothemax and let him/her know why and about the verified traders program? Cheers.
duncanonyou21 said:
moving this post it is out of hand

hey mate, since you've moved this thread, can you pls pm lebrontothemax and let him/her know why and about the verified traders program? Cheers.
I just received this PM from one of the guys this Lebron guy was working a deal with. What is going on with this? Isn't this guy gonna be put on MSF? :confused:


The guy with the Pujols auto is a scammer.

He has a different one for trade. It just so happens to be this one: eBay

I know it's the same card he is offering me because the jpg name is the same - b57f_2.jpg as the one in his photobucket. (below)

Please look for yourself.

We don't need this behavior here.
