Jul 8, 2014 #16 redwing40 Veteran Transactions 88 5.00 star(s) PM sent to amandashubby2010 to see if he's still in.
Jul 9, 2014 #17 redwing40 Veteran Transactions 88 5.00 star(s) Looking to fill one more spot! If spot doesn't fill, we will continue with the break and Random the last 3 teams. Reminder that payments are due this friday! Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
Looking to fill one more spot! If spot doesn't fill, we will continue with the break and Random the last 3 teams. Reminder that payments are due this friday!
Jul 10, 2014 #20 redwing40 Veteran Transactions 88 5.00 star(s) Thanks Chris and Rob, got Your payments
Jul 10, 2014 #21 redwing40 Veteran Transactions 88 5.00 star(s) Just a reminder that we have one more spot available to fill with alot of good teams left. I will start the Draft Sunday.
Just a reminder that we have one more spot available to fill with alot of good teams left. I will start the Draft Sunday.
Jul 11, 2014 #23 redwing40 Veteran Transactions 88 5.00 star(s) franklinguy52 said: Payment sent Click to expand... Thanks Troy!
Jul 11, 2014 #24 redwing40 Veteran Transactions 88 5.00 star(s) All Payments are due today, Draft starts Sunday, Extra spot available
Jul 11, 2014 #26 redwing40 Veteran Transactions 88 5.00 star(s) captkirk42 said: Payment sent. Click to expand... Got it Kirk, thanks
Jul 12, 2014 #27 redwing40 Veteran Transactions 88 5.00 star(s) Still looking for payments from maple19 and PAVI39, I have a small side job to do today and will update tonight and hopefully get Boxes ordered today and do the Draft first thing Sunday morning!
Still looking for payments from maple19 and PAVI39, I have a small side job to do today and will update tonight and hopefully get Boxes ordered today and do the Draft first thing Sunday morning!
Jul 13, 2014 #28 redwing40 Veteran Transactions 88 5.00 star(s) Still waiting on payments and still a open spot available for another member to join in, hopefully get the draft started early this week!
Still waiting on payments and still a open spot available for another member to join in, hopefully get the draft started early this week!
Jul 13, 2014 #29 Indiana Jones Old stuff Transactions: 4 If needed, if you don't get a taker I will take the last slot with the Flyers.
Jul 13, 2014 #30 PAVI39 MVP Transactions 297 5.00 star(s) Sorry for the delay. Payment has been sent.