Baseball **** items link Clemens to McNamee


Bench Warmer
**** paraphernalia that Brian McNamee says he used to inject pitcher Roger Clemens has performance-enhancing substances on it, according to people briefed on the case, who were quoted anonymously in The New York Times on Tuesday.

McNamee has said he used syringes, vials and gauze pads to inject Clemens with steroids and human growth hormone in 2000 and 2001. McNamee said he kept the items in a FedEx box in his basement.

A grand jury is investigating whether Clemens perjured himself in front of Congress when he denied using performance-enhancing substances.

Clemens said McNamee did inject him, but the substances were vitamin B-12 and lidocaine, which is a painkiller.

"I assumed, and I am not surprised, that the tests were positive for both DNA and for performance-enhancing *****, because that's what Brian said all along, and there's not much doubt that Brian's been telling the truth," McNamee's lawyer, Richard Emery, told The Associated Press. "The confirmation of that fact, once again, just seems to me to be another significant step towards jail for Clemens."

Clemens' attorney, Rusty Hardin, told The Times he wasn't surprised at the report. "Do you really think McNamee was going to fabricate this stuff and not make sure there were substances on there? The fact is Roger never used steroids or HGH," Hardin said.
Doesn't really prove anything though, they could easily do this after the fact. This doesn't prove Anything at all and they should have been excluded from the trial completely as there isn't a way to tell if they were or weren't tampered with.
I agree with Admin there is thing know as "Chain of Custody" when it come to dealing with evidence. I do not believe the storing in a FedEx box in your basement would qualify as properly handling of evidence. Shall we say as a proper "chain on Custody". Stranger things have happened though.