In light of the Saints debacle

yeah the pro bowl anchor of the line that lead them to the title game was the reason they got owned
he might have had a bad night but how can you not like this guy? are you that blinded by your sec hard-on:boohoo:

i would have to say davis was the big problem and getting completely and utterly out-coached and out-played at nearly every postion in the second half might have hurt them too

he got destroyed last night, I do not care anything about Pro Bowls -- because they do not mean a thing, hell Roy Williams (S) makes the Pro Bowl every year and he cannot cover me.

And their best lineman last year was Jahri Evans -- As an SEC hard-on the players I wanted the most in the draft that year were Shawne Merriaman and Derrick Johnson because our linebacking corp is so weak. Neither of which is an SEC guy.

As I was watching the game last night, one of my buddies looked at me and said Brown might as well sprint back to Brees and stand there as soon as the ball as snapped. Freeney ate him alive, and even on plays where it looks like he sealed him he was clearly holding.

Just like those USC d-ends ate him alive and LSU ends ate him alive in the other big games he has played in...

just another over-rated Oklahoma Bum.
Reggie Wayne is awesome. Dwight Freeney is awesome. The Colts are the Super Bowl champs and favorite to win it again. It was the first game of the season. No need to get so worried.

NOTE: Can someone please say something like this to me after the Giants get trounced by the Cowgirls Sunday night?
Reggie Wayne is awesome. Dwight Freeney is awesome. The Colts are the Super Bowl champs and favorite to win it again. It was the first game of the season. No need to get so worried.

NOTE: Can someone please say something like this to me after the Giants get trounced by the Cowgirls Sunday night?

this is true. the creature Golemn (Tony Dungy) also clearly outcoached Payton. and Manning was incredible even under pressure (our Ends Smith and Grant put pressure on him, sadly they are the only two on that defense with big time talent)
also to prove it is not SEC bias, Roman Harper sucked last night too, especially on the goal line when he tried to "tackle" Addai. Clear case of Alabama Cowardice versus LSU power
I blame two people the most:

Jason David -- torched for 3 tds and 147+ receiving yards

Jamaal Brown -- was pissed when they drafted this oversized Oklahoma turd -- but he got his lunch eaten by Freeney all night long, multiple holds and Brees was under pressure all night.

Silver lining...
if you're gonna play poorly, might as well do it on the road against the best team in the NFL.
You got your toughest game of the year out of the way early.
I'll join ya on this one and add a caveat to it. Besides the terrible defensive play calling Bush was being used way too much too early when they should have been pounding the ball with Deuce.

Bush just can't get the yards they need when they NEED it , sure he can bust one for 80 or whatever but would you rather be in 3rd & 1 or 2 or 3rd & 8 ? With Deuce you get your 3-6 yds a down and then you try the razzle dazzle stuff.

But hey i'll be accused as a Bush hater but i've been saying it since he entered the league until he understands that he needs to run forward and take the first down , he's just another Michael Vick , all flash/ego and no substance.

WOW no respect to the Colts "D"!!?? I dont care who you are....but if you have no where to go....there is no where to go!!! The D looked great....they were swarming the whole game. regards to Bush...not every RB is a north and South runner. He didnt get drafted for his North and South running....he got drafted for everything else he does. The Saints should have used Duece a little more in those need to get Bush around the outside and into open field.....thats were he makes his money!!
WOW no respect to the Colts "D"!!?? I dont care who you are....but if you have no where to go....there is no where to go!!! The D looked great....they were swarming the whole game. regards to Bush...not every RB is a north and South runner. He didnt get drafted for his North and South running....he got drafted for everything else he does. The Saints should have used Duece a little more in those need to get Bush around the outside and into open field.....thats were he makes his money!!

I agree. like what he did to Urlacher in the NFC title game.
WOW no respect to the Colts "D"!!?? I dont care who you are....but if you have no where to go....there is no where to go!!! The D looked great....they were swarming the whole game. regards to Bush...not every RB is a north and South runner. He didnt get drafted for his North and South running....he got drafted for everything else he does. The Saints should have used Duece a little more in those need to get Bush around the outside and into open field.....thats were he makes his money!!

You need to have some type of north-south ability to be half decent in the NFL. You can't score a big TD every play. If you need to run 2 yards forward to pick up a first down, you run 2 yards forward to pick up a first don't stutter step and try to cut it back. It's a game of inches, and Bush gives up way too many inches trying to make something happen.
You need to have some type of north-south ability to be half decent in the NFL. You can't score a big TD every play. If you need to run 2 yards forward to pick up a first down, you run 2 yards forward to pick up a first don't stutter step and try to cut it back. It's a game of inches, and Bush gives up way too many inches trying to make something happen.

the thing that gets me is he was not doing that in pre-season. he does have north-south ability, this goes back to the old argument would you rather have an Emmitt Smith or a Barry Sanders. I prefer the Emmitt kind of guy which Deuce is (not as good but you get the comparison) to the Barry kind of guy (Reggie same deal)

hopefully he will improve on his poor showing and play up to what he was doing at the end of the year last year.
You need to have some type of north-south ability to be half decent in the NFL. You can't score a big TD every play. If you need to run 2 yards forward to pick up a first down, you run 2 yards forward to pick up a first don't stutter step and try to cut it back. It's a game of inches, and Bush gives up way too many inches trying to make something happen.

See: Barry Sanders
I don't quite get the comparison. Sanders was a much smarter runner. I'm not saying Bush is doomed, but if Sanders needed to get 2 yards straight ahead, he would get it.

I guess you did not watch Barry Sanders much, because he usually did not get those 2 yards.
he got destroyed last night, I do not care anything about Pro Bowls -- because they do not mean a thing, hell Roy Williams (S) makes the Pro Bowl every year and he cannot cover me.

And their best lineman last year was Jahri Evans -- As an SEC hard-on the players I wanted the most in the draft that year were Shawne Merriaman and Derrick Johnson because our linebacking corp is so weak. Neither of which is an SEC guy.

As I was watching the game last night, one of my buddies looked at me and said Brown might as well sprint back to Brees and stand there as soon as the ball as snapped. Freeney ate him alive, and even on plays where it looks like he sealed him he was clearly holding.

Just like those USC d-ends ate him alive and LSU ends ate him alive in the other big games he has played in...

just another over-rated Oklahoma Bum.
if you say so, he was never the problem in either of those nt game losses
you probably should have watched them, like i said maybe he had a bad night but he didnt lose the game for them
that was a team effort