Don't mind if I do!
You weren't kidding! 160,000+ characters in a single post? Wow! We may have to reconsider the "no-limit" limit.
Don't mind if I do!
From my experience on other trading card boards um Forums they tend to not work well and are often empty. If there is a weekly or monthly specific "chat night"sometimes those work OK, but after a while they tend to fade away. People forget about them or they don't work for their schedules. Chat rooms seem to work better when a site has a huge amount of "Active membership", not just a large amount of members total. I don't think the Zone has enough in the Active category to make a chat room feasible. That is just my two cents worth.What about live chat rooms
What about email notifications? If another member sends you a message to your inbox you would get an email to notify you. Or even if you have posted in a thread it would notify you of any responses on the same thread after you had posted. Just a thought. You may even have it and i just didnt see where you could do it. lol
Maybe put the COTM poll on the home page to try and attract more voters.