Have an iPod or MP3 Player? Look here for music


Bench Warmer
Do you have an iPod (or MP3 player) and you are looking for music? If you don't wanna risk getting a virius by downloading music illegally (or being fined) or wanna go broke by spending 99 cents or more a song, then this is for you.

I have a boat load of CD's that I will burn for you. All you have to do is send me a blank CD and a dollar, OR two 42 cents stamps and a 17 cent stamp OR Ryan Braun, JJ Redick, or Antonio Cromartie base cards.

I have mostly Hip Hop/Rap, Rock, and Alternative music.

I have all 50 cent CD's, Eminems Greatest Hits, all Aerosmith, Lil Jon, Dr. Dre and a lot more.

Don't be afraid to ask!!!!!!! Just because it's not in my photobucket doesn't mean I don't have it!

CDs For Trade or Sale pictures by Dukebluedevils055 - Photobucket