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mwolfson22 said:
Yep... I think there is a very good chance of getting shut out in a team break with unique.

Unique is a good base/parallel/insert break, a hit per pack is nice (SPx) but there is plenty of value in the non-big hit stuff (UNIQUE). I am pretty sure you get an insert and parallel per pack. Thats like 120 non-base hits, + whatever the big auto/relic hits are. ;)
Prosper said:
Unique is a good base/parallel/insert break, a hit per pack is nice (SPx) but there is plenty of value in the non-big hit stuff (UNIQUE). I am pretty sure you get an insert and parallel per pack. Thats like 120 non-base hits, + whatever the big auto/relic hits are. ;)

Thats great if thats what u want out of a group break. I am personally in a group break for the Auto's and Relic cards.
well the point of any break or even purchasing a box or opening a pack for that matter is to pull auto or relic cards.
cranium1313 said:
something hockey....anything hockey...
If we had more members that were into hockey, we would consider it. I'm speaking as part of the staff that I don't think we can do it and fill up that many spots.

We kind of have the same problem for baseball, I think we should try a baseball product sometime this summer.:club:
tigsfan said:
If we had more members that were into hockey, we would consider it. I'm speaking as part of the staff that I don't think we can do it and fill up that many spots.

We kind of have the same problem for baseball, I think we should try a baseball product sometime this summer.

Im up for baseball...
caranium we are having a baseball break right now, I ended up having to take 5 spots just to get it filled.
i say something with a lower price point- or maybe randomize all teams, so you can just buy 1 spot/team... I dont feel too inclined to jump in and gamble on any of these $50+ breaks, but if I was only gambling about $25 I'd be much more interested.

some of the breaks get costing enough that I'd rather just buy my own box and keep all the hits
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